⚔️ America, Prepared for Peace Pt 2 – Veterans of Foreign Wars – Ronald Reagan 1984 * PITD

11 months ago

America, Prepared for Peace Pt 2 – Veterans of Foreign Wars – #RonaldReagan 1984 * PITD
August 24, 1984 (Remarks at the National Convention) Excerpt
Our military forces are back on their feet, substantially stronger and better able to protect the peace today than they were 4 years ago. We're still not where we need to be, but we're getting there.
And the payoff is in performance. In Grenada, with less than 72 hours notice, our forces successfully rescued 600 American students, disarmed Cuban and peoples revolutionary armed forces, and restored the chance for democracy to that troubled island.
As one company commander of the Army's 1st Ranger Battalion explained-now quote: "The lead assault elements had less than 24 hours between the time we were issued our final combat orders and our departure for Grenada. We fought with the equipment on which we were trained. The equipment worked throughout the operation. New laser range finders gave accurate distance to targets, and the night vision devices operated up to standards. And of the 150 Rangers in my company, only 2 had ever seen combat before, yet they all performed like seasoned veterans. What it all adds up to is that our highly motivated soldiers, together with excellent training and reliable weapons, gave us the combat edge."
Well, come to think of it, I seem to remember that it took critics weeks to decide whether it was a good idea to rescue our students. They should have asked the students, for those students were already home. Incidentally, Nancy and I were pleased to have about 400 of them on the South Lawn at the White House and about 40 of the men who had returned from Grenada, representing all four branches of the service that had been there. And it was wonderful to hear these young people—and they were all the same age, the students and the military—but it was wonderful to hear these young students tell us that, yes, they had been prone to kind of look down on the uniform and all, but not anymore.
And we heard stories about how, when they were escorted to the helicopters after they'd lain overnight and for hours under their beds in the dormitories because of the bullets coming through the buildings, and then our Rangers arrived, and when it came time to go to the helicopters, those young fellows in uniform put themselves between the students and where the firing was coming from.
They couldn't keep their hands off of them. They'd throw their arms around, and then they'd come back to us and tell us how wonderful they were. It was a great sight.
Well, that young Army officer said—and what he said about his own Ranger battalion, about being able to take on combat operations on short notice, get the job done and get it done right, was just as true for our other units. The 22d Marine Amphibious Unit had just embarked at Morehead City, North Carolina, for a normal rotation to the eastern Mediterranean when their orders were changed to Grenada. With no advance warning, with very little time, they put together their operational plans, went ashore, professionally accomplished their mission, and then continued on their way.
Because we were willing to take decisive action, our students today are safe, Grenada is free, and that region of the Caribbean is more peaceful and secure than before. But let no one confuse that situation with an inescapable reality of the modern age. When it comes to our nuclear forces—I've said it before, and I'll say it again—a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.
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I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American. #PatriotInTheDark
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