US Military guarding Afghanistan's poppy (Heroin) fields, US Military "suicides" & Pat Tillmans "friendly fire" death

1 year ago

Libertarian99: So you see folks, according to Geraldo Riviera the US Military NEEDS to keep these OPIUM FIELDS growing or all hell could break loose with the Afghanistan population as they love their Poppy/Opium growing fields so much! And you have Fox News host DAVE BRIGS saying "the Taliban is using their OPIUM TRADE to intimidate the population!" (You see a younger Clayton Morris from REDACTED back when he worked for Fox News).
The CIA Drug Operation have their own propaganda machine called FOX NEWS. Pat Tillman had given up a multi-million$$ dollar football contract to fight the Taliban believing ALL the LIES on TV MEDIA that Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban orchestrated 9/11 and he felt patriotic to the point of giving up the money and fighting for his country. The Government originally lied and said Pat Tillman died a hero fighting for his country and they got caught and had to say he died by FRIENDLY FIRE with 3 bullets in his head. You make 5 TIMES more money selling HEROIN than COCAINE. Pat Tillmans father knew the whole US Army investigation into his sons death was complete BULLSH#T!! See his letter he wrote General James Jones on April 22nd 2005.

Killing for Opium : If You Speak Out, You’re ‘Suicided’- January 7th 2012
In this article they post excerpts of Pat Tillman's father Patrick K Tillman Sr's letters to the army investigator General James Jones (Who is a NWO piece of sh@t) who was looking into his sons April 22nd 2004 death and Pat Tillman's father knew everything they told him was a LIE and complete BULLSH@T about his sons death.
An excerpt from a letter by Pat Tillman’s father to the Army investigator General James Jones: “You are a General, there is no way a man like you, with your intelligence, education, military, experience, responsibilities (primarily for difficult situations), and rank… believes the conclusions reached in the March 31, 2005 Briefing Book. But your signature is on it. I assume, therefore, that you are part of this shameless bulls__t. I embarrassed myself by treating you with respect. I thought your rank deserved it and anticipated something different from the new and improved investigation. I won’t act so hypocritically if we meet again.” “In sum: F__k you… and yours.”
They have the full 11-page letter from Patrick K Tillman Sr letter to General James Jones dated April 22nd 2005.

Anti-War Voices Accuse Super Bowl of 'Hijacking the Pat Tillman Story'- February 12th 2023
Excerpts: "he was sent to invade Iraq—a country that had no ties to 9/11. Tillman quickly came to deplore the "fucking illegal" war, and even made "loose plans" to meet with anti-war intellectual Noam Chomsky, according toThe Intercept's Ryan Devereaux".
"Pat and Kevin were sent to Afghanistan on April 8, 2004. Stationed at a forward operating base in Khost province, Pat was killed on April 22, 2004 by what the army said was "enemy fire" during a firefight".

Libertarian99 here: Wow, I didn't realize he only 14 days upon arriving before being shot 3 times in the head. Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy". They made the BIOWEAPON mandatory for all US military troops to take because they CARE about their health so much!

Source videos used for this video:

60 minutes: The CIA’s Cocaine (1993)

Fox News Gerald Riviera clip

Officer Jack McLamb with Brent Johnson for The Voice of Freedom.

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