Jim Terry TV Presents: Mr. X's "Never Seen Again" Parody Trailer

10 months ago

X here: That's right, the families of missing go through horrible things. No one is taking that away from them or making fun of that. However, people who helped with cases or made these cases known (Jim Terry) are also attacked.
Who gets to decide what is a tragedy pimp? IMO there is no such thing. Its all a form of entertainment, even though its very real. You can't pick and choose here.
This piece was created to show that some very good people (with out criminal records) are treated horribly in their quest to aid in awareness, inform, or entertain.
Those who will get it, will get it. Those who will find a reason to be upset...well, fuck'em.
NOTE: Jim did hunt down the producer of the show "Never Seen Again." We have played the call in past shows during the YouTube era of JT TV. The producer knew that if Jim Terry was involved or offered any of his information (none of it never proven wrong) then Candice Cooley would no longer be involved. If you want to truth then you interview EVERYONE...pimp.

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