Super Mario Galaxy 121 Stars Walkthrough Part 11: Can't Top This!

14 years ago

OK, why is a mid-game boss this easy? lol!

Besides doing that star, I will explain how rolling courses work in the form of a Side Galaxy...

And finally show off the "new" shrinking green platforms. If you would like to post a video response showing yourself touching all the green platforms on the Shrinking Satellite leaving it a bare grid shell, go right ahead and post it. I'll watch it and accept it. :)

In other words, I get 3 stars in this part.


-----Fountain Dome-----

Battlerock Galaxy:
0:00 Topmanic And The Topman Tribe

Rolling Green Galaxy:
5:30 Rolling In The Clouds

Hurry-Scurry Galaxy:
8:00 Shrinking Satellite

-----Super Mario Galaxy Menu-----

-----Super Mario Galaxy Playlist-----


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