Police Thinks No Child Trafficking in CPS Despite Evidence - Abolish CPS! Fire Annette Monson

1 year ago

Me: "Why does CPS even exist?
Police: "Because they specialize in things dealing with children."
Me: "Yeah, and they also are proven to be child sex traffickers, CPS."

It's very concerning when law enforcement won't acknowledge CPS has lots of problems and pretends everything is fine despite evidence to the contrary and turning a blind eye to corruption.

I was falsely accused. Charge DISMISSED with PREJUDICE and ALL allegations DISMISSED. But I shouldn't even have been charged in the 1st place if CPS and police actually did an investigation instead of believing a psychopath who has a long history of lying and grooming and brainwashing.

Susan Manning is a psychopath who lost custody of her children, kidnapped my wife 3 times growing up, lied constantly to my wife about her dad, coached my wife what to say on the phone to her dad, then recorded the phone calls with her dad. Susan Manning is currently on her 6th marriage.

When we saw Susan Manning repeating her same grooming and brainwashing patterns with our teenage daughters, we confronted Susan and established healthy boundaries to protect our children and family from Susan Manning. And that is when Susan Manning called CPS and lied to CPS caseworker Annette Monson.

On April 27, 2022 CPS caseworker Annette Monson appeared at our door. We exercised our God-given, Constitutional right NOT to speak to her because she has a history of violating people's rights such as making false statements on reports, entering homes without being invited in, ie: trespassing and because CPS is corrupt and unconstitutional. As soon as Annette left, I immediately called Ephraim, Utah police and spoke to Officer Aagard informing him I have no problem speaking to CPS once we get an attorney and have an attorney present and everything is recorded.

The next morning on April 28, 2022, I called CPS caseworker Annette Monson on the phone and told her that she is required by law to tell me what the specific allegations are against me. She said she understood but refused to tell me what was going on and what the allegations were.

I then called the police and spoke to Officer Hurst asking him to make a police report record that Annette Monson refuses to tell me what the allegations are.

So CPS treats us GUILTY until proven Innocent because we declined to speak to them, yet then when I ask them what's going on and to tell me what the allegations are they refuse to speak to me.


Watch here: https://banned.video/watch?id=62cc9bae5d818b6f6e8d0b61

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQtqks1GOug

Susan Manning continued to lie to CPS caseworker Annette Monson so Annette texted Susan and told her: "If (our 16-year-old) can get out of the home and let the police know she doesn't feel safe going home, it would raise the level of danger. That would help. Annette"

After Susan Manning manipulated Annette Monson into giving Susan the greenlight to kidnap our 16-year-old, Susan did just that.

Please watch body cam footage of attempted kidnapping / custodial interference by Susan Manning here: https://rumble.com/v31ynf4-susan-manning-attempted-kidnapping-caught-on-body-cam-by-ephraim-utah-polic.html

Ephraim, Utah Police Department
5 S Main Street
Ephraim, UT 84627
Phone: 435-283-4602

Sanpete County Attorney Office:
160 North Main,
Suite 306
Manti, UT 84642
Phone: 435-835-6381

Manti, Utah DCFS Office:
55 S. Main St.
Manti, Utah, 84642
Supervisor Dave Stevens
CPS caseworker Annette Monson

For any investigative journalists, please contact me:
timothymcgaffin (at) championsneverquit (dot) com


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