People waiting for Tory social care are dying before they get it.

11 months ago

1300 people died waiting for a social care package last year, the wait is intolerable as my family know all too well.
Right, so I’m not above sharing stories from personal experience and when it comes to social care and people being left stuck in the system waiting for care packages to be put together, well, I can relate as my own mother is currently stuck in this situation. A new study by Shared Data in conjunction with BBC Wales has discovered that 1,300 people actually died last year, whilst waiting for a care package to be put in place, that it is now a postcode lottery as to whether they get it. Now some will need additional care in their own homes, some will be waiting to be discharged into care homes. Those going home, may need carers several times a day to attend to their needs and until a care package is put together, they cannot be discharged and we end up with this situation regarding beds being blocked. Now the assessment side of things to decide these packages, made between medical professionals and adult social care might get done pretty quickly, but the wait is then on to find a care company – privatised – willing to take on the contract for work and that can actually meet the needs of the patient, has the staff needed, staff that have had the required training. That is a substantial problem. Companies will take on said contracts but then decide, oh no, we can’t do it and hand the contract back to the council. Well by that time the patient could be back in their own home, stuck there and end up back in hospital taking up a bed needlessly if the care on the community was there and care companies were more honest in their ability to take on the necessary duties. Over the last two years, 13,000 contracts of this type have been handed back to local authorities largely because of staffing shortages rather than lack of training it should be pointed out, but of course we then have to look at why there are staff shortages and of course Brexit saw an exodus of overseas workers driven away by Brexit and the hostile environment fostered by those in power towards migrant workers. Care is a sector that is suffering from horrible shortages, but we have no shortage of elderly, infirm, long-term sick and disabled people in need of care we as such a wealthy and powerful country should be able to deal with, sadly we keep electing clowns into power with the same hardline right wing politics no matter what colour rosette they wear and nothing gets fixed. So let me tell you a bit about my situation let me tell you the story of my family, my dear old mum and social care because what better example frankly of what people are going through that I can tell you about than what is literally going on behind the scenes here.


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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on
I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo social care,adult social care,health and social care,social care uk,social care crisis,government failing social care,health and social care standards,uk social care system,social care staff,social care plan,social care reform,how uk social care works,uk social care,understanding how the uk social care system works,how can i get social care in the uk?,local government,social care personal story,tory social care,people are dying waiting for social care,news

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