Lake Tahoe 'LumberJacks'...TIMBER!!

1 year ago

When you've got an army of evergreen trees like the Lake Tahoe basin has, you've also got a need for trimming and even removal of some of the "soldiers" (think of it as an "honorary discharge"). In 2014, a pair of 'Lumberjacks' were brought in to perform a sort of surgery by removing a few trees among many other trees and residences. I grabbed my now-antiquated camera and shot some clips in 720p and then forgot about them...I recently found these clips and threw together a 2-minute video which also serves as a lesson in physics and gravity...Thanks to the Mony Python troupe for their number "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm O.K." (from the movie "And Now for Something Completely Different") used over the ending

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