S-Curve Rejection of U.S. Dollar Is Here NOW

1 year ago

S-Curve Rejection of U.S. Dollar Is Here NOW

July 19, 2023


GoldSilver - Mike Maloney

With over 41 nations around the world now looking to join BRICS and seeking alternatives to the U.S. dollar, the pace of change is faster than ever. We could very well be witnessing the early stages of a new monetary shift that will impact everyone on the planet.

Have you ever wondered what this means for the United States? Or how these shifts could impact your financial future?

Join Mike in his latest video as he delves into the latest news and data, exploring the implications of these massive global changes and how you can navigate them. He describes a fascinating picture of where the U.S. might be headed in the coming years...

Watch Mike's presentation today and let us know your thoughts. We value your feedback and are here to support you in these uncertain times.

Thanks for watching.




Original: https://youtu.be/Je1G1BVSzZs

More: http://www.goldsilver.com Over the last two months we have seen an unprecedented acceleration of what Mike Maloney refers to as `The Death of the Global US dollar Standard.'

#Profits #Resources #WealthTransfer #GreatReset #Plandemic #USDollarCollapse #Oil


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As always, thank you for your support. M.

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