Donkey's vs Elephants

10 months ago

Illuminati 5/1/1776-Democrat Party found January 8, 1828.
Separation 51 years. Illuminati 5/1.
18878 days. Democrat= 8 characters. 8 months between.
Democrat Party found on 8th day.
27 in minutes. Illuminati Date adds to 27. 7 days between.
Andrew Jackson one of the founder’s-7th President died on the 8th of June

Templar Knights 10/13/1307- Martin Van Buren 12/5/1782.
Separation 475 years. 1 month 22 days between. Freemason Compass 47 degrees.
Illuminati found in 5th month 122nd day. 90 in seconds.
Freemason Compass= 90 degrees.

Democrat Flag Colors
White: Hex Code: FFFFFF or 666,666 as F= 6th letter.

RGB: 255,255,255. (255*3= 576). Illuminati= 5th month 76.

Now how do they fool the masses into thinking their put in power to save your life?

Democrat Party January 8, 1828. Republican Party 3/20/1854.
Separation of 777 in seconds.

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