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Our Quantum Reality-July 30, 2023

1 year ago

July 2023 Newsletter is on the website www.healingourenergy.ca

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  • 0/2000
  • Yeah, the  weather has been otherworldly here. I think the previous record for days over 110 was around two weeks before it would cool off again. Short heat wave We are going on close to two months over 110. It’s insane… But that’s not actually the worst. As a child the desert would actually cool off at night. After the monsoon would come in and rain, all the water would take the heat away and it would get down to 75 or 80. With all the concrete and people, heat started to push the monsoons around the city. So we no longer got the cooling effect but it would still get down to like 85. For the past month it hasn’t been below less than 95° overnight. We are hotter at 3am than you are at high noon lol Surprisingly hasn’t been that bad though. We cranked up a mister system in the backyard. It’s kind of crazy that it created this weird ecosystem. We’ve been getting a ton of wildlife we normally wouldn’t get looking for an oasis. We have this strange grassland forming at the end of the deck where the water pools. It’s only 83° in the shade and the mist. Kids have been having tons of pool parties and water balloon fights. Shrug, it’s kind of been fun to be honest lol strange times I see some clouds and we might get some rain tonight so hopefully break the cycle on the same time you do Wish us luck!! Thank you for the video