Dreamy Theater 2nd - ダンサーインザダーク Dancer in the Dark by fatmanP ft Megurine Luka

1 year ago

Dancer in the Dark ft Megurine Luka by fatmanP

Purchase this song from iTunes
Track 14 "ダンサーインザダーク" from the album "EX:P2 ~Ex:Producers2~":

Purchase the hard-copy CD album from Amazon.com:


After completing "Stir Up!" with Miku, I wanted my next project to give Luka the spotlight. I went looking around the 'net and youtube for song and setting ideas when I found a great concept by dappleback where she suggested using Luka in the punk outfit to the tune of "Dancer in the Dark". I actually had never heard the song up to that point. But once I did, Luka's fate and my next project were sealed!

I crafted the choreography using the motions and models built into the Project Diva 2nd editor and output the edit through Dreamy Theater 2nd. From there, I captured the HD output and used Sony Vegas to acquire the video filtering and layering required to produce the shadow effects and titles.

You may also notice the tempo of the song is slightly slower than usual as I set it from 160bpm to 150bpm. This was done for two reasons. 1) It helped solve sync issues with the PSP BPM metronome and 2) The pacing seemed to work better when put in video format.

The video is a loose representation of Luka as a "dancer in the dark" where she grapples with the darker side of her own soul. I truly hope you enjoy this video as much as I did making it.

My sincerest thanks to fatmanP for composing such an outstanding song.

Hauppauge Colossus Video Capture Card
PC Intel Core 2 Duo 8500

Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd for PSP (English mod v2.8, translated by Einishi)
Dreamy Theater 2nd for PS3
Sony Vegas v10 (titles, video editing, masking, rendering)

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