being online feels similar to criminal profiling

11 months ago

big boy memory card for $25
128gb actually
yes i eat a lotta things raw
everything outta be good on its' own, no additives!
the dressing should be an added bonus
i could never cook dinner for anyone, not even myself is that sad?
i introduced my barbies to legoland + lincoln logs
yawl remember atari? CLASSIC video games
i played w/ my dolls in relation to boy stuff
really small feminine part of me but it's still there
obvious that i don't feel feminine
maybe not so obviously not hahahaha
we live in a shit world obsessed w/ pharmies n labels n "help" that doesn't help
mental illness has always interested me because of, well, me
fascinated by human behavior, wanted to be a criminal profiler for awhile
this friend of mine studies serial killers
if you understand yourself you will understand the world you live in
bdpd is the better one hahaha
a lotta narcissists in the algorithm
victim mentality begets narcissism
it must be a sibling thing
i understand bdpd cos i'm a woman
my brother has always been a total narcissist
you internalize trauma as a child
i always fought w/ my parents, not anymore
i always knew that i was crazy
alcohol was the only thing that turned it down
i was a total piece a shit cos i turned my conscience all the way off
i didn't trust anyone and i did the exact opposite of my vanilla family
living in west civ w/ schizaaahfrenia this is pretty good considering
the full spectrum of emotions over here
narcissists can't allow themselves the luxury of just being a human being, it's just sad really...the superficiality doesn't do them any good and they're always gonna feel empty
it's good to educate yourselves on psych probs but at the same time i know i need to give myself a break from all this stuff thanks felix
when this is the world we live in...
most bdpds know there is sumin wrong
maybe there's nothin we can do
just expect that person to keep doing terrible things
i am not one to sugarcoat shit
there's nobody stopping these twitterers
you'd be so much better off if you stopped doing everything that you're doing
the only people acknowledging the problems...those that whine incessantly online
ronnit, my jew, is at the pool
she would admit that she's a whore on stage
he's alright, i think he's a vulnerable narcissist or sumin
most people unless they're me hahaha
dude made it obvious that he has anger issues
whenever he gets mad he'll start talking to himself nonstop
i just hope he ain't on meds
friends don't let friends see a psychiatrist
i'm doin my part to get down the school shootings
absolutely disgusting when i eat, i'm sari vortex
realizing humanity and accepting flaws is such a beautifully moving thing
so much easier to just stay angry about bad behaviors that people aren't held accountable for
forgive becuz it's better for you and for the world
this is the God part of me
it really does depend on the mood

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