Lesson from history: No division!

1 year ago

In the last two years of the Corona crisis, we are seeing more and more how states of exception are becoming the new “normal” and we are getting used to it. What was unimaginable yesterday is reality today. But how can such drastic changes occur in the first place and where can it lead?

In his book “Perpetrators: How Normal People Become Mass Murderers” (“Täter: Wie aus ganz normalen Menschen Massenmörder warden”), social psychologist Prof. Harald Welzer explains the mechanism that already led to exclusion and genocide in the Third Reich. This broadcast is neither intended to be scaremongering nor to relativize past crimes. It is meant to serve as a wake-up call – to help us recognize the signs of the times and to act accordingly so that history does not repeat itself!

First, generally accepted values and social norms lose their validity in small steps (1.).
From an ideological or political point of view, these individual steps seem harmless or even necessary. In this way, a small group of people is increasingly excluded from social life (2.).
A majority increasingly sees itself as exclusive and perceives the minority group or each of its members as a threat to the well-being or existence of the majority society. For then it seems logical to render harmless this minority that is perceived as threatening (3.).
According to Prof. Welzer, all historically known extermination processes were preceded by the definition of a threatening group (4.).
Morally legitimized like this, completely normal people thus become perpetrators. (.5.)This is followed by an accelerating social, psychological, material and legal devaluation and discrimination of the minority (6.).

Loss of valid values
During the Corona crisis, previously valid norms gave way to a “new normality” at breakneck speed: Children suddenly bear responsibility for the well-being of their grandparents, people wear masks, keep their distance and elbow each other instead of shaking hands. Smiles, closeness and warm embraces are frowned upon.
A profoundly social being, man is now forced into isolation by politically decreed measures. Left to his own devices, he loses touch with his social environment. His thoughts and actions inevitably become more and more self-centred. Sociologists speak of “atomization”, i.e. the isolation of individuals. A society made up of such isolated individuals is severely weakened and forms the ideal breeding ground for intolerance, blame, division and manipulation. Individually humans feel too helpless and powerless to take action against these grievances. This affects billions of people worldwide right now, who are not in a position to expose these undesirable developments and oppose them.

Exclusion from society
Currently, the unvaccinated are already excluded from large sectors of society. According to our (new) Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, the lives of the unvaccinated are to be restricted as much as possible. For example, under the new Infection Protection Act, the unvaccinated must reckon with their employer suspending continued payment of wages in the event of quarantine. Unvaccinated persons are excluded from sports and cultural events, from services close to the body or from accommodation. Depending on the epidemic situation, access to businesses and institutions may even be restricted. Doctors deny treatment to the unvaccinated and churches deny the believers access to places of worship. In the meantime, even clearly visible separation is not shied away from: some large companies already separate vaccinated and unvaccinated people through different canteen or cafeteria areas.

“... The right to physical integrity, especially in a country like Germany, which has this unfortunate past with these interventions in the medical field, – we should be very, very careful and very, very cautious with these things.”
Dr. Med. Steffen Rabe,Pediatrician

Critics forced into exile
As is normally only typical for totalitarian states, many critical people are now leaving our country to live in exile. The reasons for this daring step are manifold. Doctors critical of vaccination have already had to endure practice searches, character assassination and the confiscation of patient files. Critical journalists have had their accounts blocked and censorship imposed. Those who belong to “unvaccinated” group suffer social, psychological, material and legal devaluation. Many of these critical people are threatened with professional bans, which leads to the loss of livelihoods and, not least, the loss of their heritage.

“I stand here as a Jew, as the son of an Auschwitz survivor. I don’t want to draw a parallel. But, at the end of the 1920s there was a slogan in Germany: 'The Jews are to blame for everything'. Now the unvaccinated are the scapegoats. And that's why we have to fight so that there is never again such a division!”

Escalation spiral into totalitarianism or definition of a threatening group
How can it happen that certain people are suddenly perceived as a threatening group? We'll show you an example here: On Anne Will’s talk show, the president of the World Medical Association, Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery deliberately spoke of the “tyranny of the unvaccinated”. The next day, the topic was picked up by Arno Frank in the magazine: Der Spiegel and even intensified: “More interesting is the question of the tyrants, the unvaccinated, for example in nursing – whose toleration, for example in nursing homes, repeatedly costs the lives of those in need of care.” So here the unvaccinated are already becoming murderers.
The climax of the escalation spiral so far was a hate speech by ARD journalist Sarah Frühauf on the program: Tagesthemen – from the 19th of November 2021: She praised those “showing solidarity” and “thanked” the unvaccinated because they were to blame for the current lockdown.
With such statements, the unvaccinated are made the scapegoats and once again journalism continues to drive the wedge between two groups. When a majority increasingly sees itself as exclusive and perceives the minority group as a threat, the road to totalitarianism is paved.

Fear as a tool for manipulation
Scientists like neuro-biologist Gerald Hüther attribute a key role in current events to fear: Where a threat is constantly presented, it is easiest to manipulate people. Psychiatrist Dr. Raphael Bonelli also points to fear as an instrument of control in totalitarian regimes, as we already know from history. There – he stresses - the problem of people becoming followers out of fear, is a huge one. Crimes in the past could not have taken place if there had not been so many conforming. In his lectures, the historian and peace researcher Dr. Daniele Ganser explains how people are repeatedly frightened, manipulated and divided according to the same pattern. One group is declared inferior and another is incited against it. Then the step to persecution, arrest and even extermination is not far away.

“Fear makes sick. Fear makes evil. Fear destroys truth and distorts reality. Fear prevents rational action and violates human dignity. Fear makes lies believable. And fear is above all the most effective way to make people dependent”.
Dr. Med. Hans-Joachim Maaz, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, publisher

Appeal of a physician
The former and long-time physician and head of surgery at the Oberhavel Clinics, Dr. Thomas Sarnes, appeals in a video message: “Wake up at last! Think and inform yourself. Look for the solution for yourself and not for people to blame for it not stopping. You yourself are the reason why it doesn't stop. And if you are looking for culprits, then please look in the right places. Your fellow human beings who self-determinedly decided against vaccination are not the culprits. Tolerate each other and don't be divided. [...]
I was born in 1954, my father in 1922. He was also a prisoner of war during World War II and when I was old enough, we often talked about that time. No, better said, we argued about the question, how could that happen back then!? How could a whole nation lose its mind? He tried to explain it to me. I didn't accept it. I didn't accept that a clever people could have been deceived like that. We shouted at each other. We did not talk to each other for days because of this. [...] In 1996 I lost him. We parted in peace. But now I ask for his forgiveness retrospectively. Now, in the current situation, I understand what happened then. Father, you were right!”

The lesson from the Holocaust
After the system media called the well-known expert in immunology and critic of Covid-19 vaccinations, Prof. Sukarit. Bhakdi an anti-Semite, numerous Holocaust survivors and their descendants spoke out in an open letter:

“You, the media, have lied to the people for years by preaching false lessons from the Holocaust. That is not the lesson of the Holocaust, that Jews must not be killed or questioned. No human being must be killed! The lesson of the Holocaust is that you must not stand by and participate when a minority is persecuted. They have instrumentalized the Holocaust for the opposite: to take away the will of people to resist injustice. And in this ungodly way they have prepared a new Holocaust and are in the process of implementing it. We expressly warn that another holocaust is unfolding, only bigger and more sophisticated. The brutality with which you fight, deny, hurt and humiliate the opposition, both verbally and physically, serves to suppress the truth.

Destroyed existences, home searches, occupational bans, forced admissions to psychiatric wards and worse – this could be the story from our lives, but this is the reality we observe in Germany today (now).” So if we now see the signs of the times so clearly, surely it is urgent that we no longer allow ourselves to be isolated and divided, but that we once again see ourselves as a human family, as Daniele Ganser repeatedly emphasizes: “We all – vaccinated, recovered and unvaccinated - belong to the human family! Do not allow any division!”

from ah./kb./rw.
Prof. Harald Welzer; book: "Täter: Wie aus ganz normalen Menschen Massenmörder werden"; p. 63

Loss of valid values:

Exclusion from the company:



Quote Dr. Rabe:


Quote Daniel Trappe:

Define threatening group:






Quote Hans Joachim Maatz

Appeal Dr. Sarnes:

Lesson from Holocaust:

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