Purposeful population reduction through Corona vaccination and lockdowns?

10 months ago

Bad things are happening - all over the world: in connection with the Corona vaccinations, there are countless side effects, miscarriages and deaths. Lockdowns are also causing an increasing number of deaths, as the poorest in particular face existential hardship, even starvation. Is this drastic increase in vaccination and lockdown victims simply fate, or is a tough agenda for population reduction being deliberately implemented here?

Humanitarian disaster caused extemly tough lockdown policy

Especially in developing countries, hundreds of millions of people lost their jobs and livelihoods as a result of the lockdowns and were plunged into deprivation and hunger. The number of people living in poverty is expected to have increased by 200 to 500 million since March 2020, according to Oxfam [Oxfam = one of the largest emergency relief and development organizations]. According to the UN, the pandemic measures have sent 132 million people into starvation. The financial expert Ernst Wolff speaks here of a humanitarian catastrophe of biblical proportions. It is estimated that up to 12,000 additional people per day (!) died of hunger as a result of the pandemic at the end of 2020.

But this lockdown policy in developing countries is not a coincidence, it has a system: Money payments to developing countries by the IMF [International Monetary Fund] and support by the WHO [World Health Organization] are, according to the German journalist and presenter Robert Stein [presenter of the free news platform "NuoViso"], strongly linked to the condition to introduce hard lockdowns. This leads to a sharp increase in starvation deaths in these countries. This hard-core lockdown policy in developing countries is akin to a genocide against the underprivileged of this world. As this catastrophe continues to be fueled more and more, Ernst Wolff says: "Those who are now always acting like do-gooders and telling us they're concerned about our health - they're killing people by the millions!"

Purposeful population reduction through Corona vaccination?

In recent months, reports of deaths associated with the novel Covid-19 vaccines have been accumulating. For example, data from a medical database in Uppsala, Sweden, state that 2,500 people died after being vaccinated with the Biontec vaccine. In Israel, the number of deaths is supposed to have really exploded after the vaccinations. The European Medicines Agency's (EMA) database recorded a horrendous 5,993 deaths linked to Corona vaccinations by April 17th, 2021. On March 29th, 2021, the U.S. Center for Disease control (CDC) reported 2,509 deaths correlating to vaccinations against Covid-19 - this in a period of just three months!! In Chile, it was clearly determined that more vaccinations have led to more deaths. Also, the number of pregnant women who had miscarriages apparently had risen dramatically - in the UK, among women vaccinated against Covid-19, by 366 percent in just 6 weeks!

Is all this just a tragic coincidence? Considering Bill Gates' statement at a conference in 2016 on the subject of CO2 increasing, one can only speak of a cold-blooded agenda, that is, a program which is being implemented. Gates said at that time, "If we do a really good job with vaccinations, in health care, in reproductive medicine, we can reduce this - here Gates refers to the world population - by 10-15 percent."

Eugenics under the guise of health protection

Despite significant safety concerns and scandals, nearly 160 countries have purchased AstraZeneca/Oxford's inexpensive and easy-to-use vaccine. The vaccine is now being administered at full speed.

But now, through the report of the author and researcher Whitney Webb and the investigative jounalist Jeremy Loffredo, frightening things came to light: leading researchers and developers of this vaccine are connected to organizations such as the "Galton Institute" [formerly "British Eugenics Society"], which made an improvement of racial hygiene their goal. Eugenics under the guise of philanthropy [philanthropic thinking and behaviour]?

Webb and Loffredo write about the links between AstraZeneca and the British Eugenics Society: "One would think that global society would no longer be susceptible to such false doctrines. However, the eugenic goals of the former British Eugenics Society [renamed the Galton Institute in 1989] are still being implemented. Its aim is still the "biological improvement of the nation" and the "attenuation of the burdens imposed on society by the genetically "unfit"."

Even the great general Napoleon operated a selection process with which he succeeded in separating those who were "unfit" for him from those who were "fit". He applied the idea of the English physician Edward Jenner by producing a vaccine from smallpox vesicles of humans and having all soldiers vaccinated with it. Those who survived the smallpox vaccination unscathed were used for Napoleon's conquest campaigns. Those who were not strong enough died or were left blind, deaf or paralyzed.

Are there "would-be Napoleons" tending to megalomania again today, who - more hidden than Napoleon at that time - but with exactly the same ice-cold calculation want to shape society according to their ideas and on the spot reduce and eliminate those who are "useless and unfit" in their eyes?


If one considers the close links between the leading researchers and developers of the pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca with the "Society for the Study of Social Biology", which emerged from a eugenics society, and if one also considers the clear statements of Bill Gates on active population reduction, one must inevitably come to the following conclusion:

Apparently, the many vaccine deaths, the thousands of starvation deaths due to lockdowns, and the numerous developing babies killed in the womb by Corona vaccinations are not, after all, the victims of a fateful, tragic event. They are, in fact, victims of an agenda whose proponents are deliberately and unscrupulously reducing humanity.

Following this broadcast is a highly recommended short documentary relevant to this topic: "The Georgia Guidestones".

from kno./mol./ mmm./hm.
Targeted population reduction through corona vaccination:


Bill Gates on vaccination and population reduction:


Eugenics under the guise of health protection:


Humanitarian disaster due to hard-core lockdown policy:




min 5:16 bis min 6:10

Napoleon and vaccinations:


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