K-6848 POTA activation by n4mqu

1 year ago

NC K-6848 President James K. Polk State Historic Site
74 miles from home 149 activations I put it in Waze and it routed me on a toll road oh well it’s a bit far for me but glad I did it.
I arrived and walked thru the museum. I mentioned that I was an amateur radio operator and he said we can operate from there but just don’t use the trees for the antenna. :( I was prepared. I had my MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna. I made 26 contacts on 40, 17, 15 and 20. Thanks to the hunters and p2p.
This video contains a tribute to my friend. Honey Davis 1948 - 2023. She was interested in my amateur radio activities and even wanted to go on an activation with me but God had other plans before we got her to one of the parks.

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