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mployees of a Florida-based retail health company said JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly terminated their personal and company bank accounts without an explanation.
One of the employees believes the account shutdowns were politically motivated and due to their employer’s controversial stance on COVID-19.
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., filed the End Birthright Citizenship Fraud Act of 2023, which would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to state that birthright citizenship only applies to U.S.-born children of legal American citizens.
Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis released a statement after the Internal Revenue Service, or the IRS, announced it will end most unannounced visits to taxpayers.

“The thought of IRS agents showing up at your home or business unannounced is terrifying and sounds an awful lot like harassment,” he said. “Thankfully, we’ve helped turn up the volume on the deployment of thousands of new IRS agents to shakedown middle class families and small business owners and the agency is taking notice.”

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