Starmer’s new MP Keir Mather’s age isn’t the issue, his politics is.

11 months ago

Right, so the Labour Party win in Selby and Ainsty has been overshadowed somewhat by attacks on the winning candidate Keir Mather from some quarters based on his age. He’s 25, he’s old enough to vote, and to my mind if you’re old enough to vote then you should be old enough to be eligible to stand to vote. At least he has been elected after all, unlike Baroness Charlotte Owen of Alderley Edge, just four years older, now their youngest life peer ever put into the House of Lords seemingly for services to Johnson in providing maternity cover for another staffer! Won’t someone think of poor Nadine Dorries at this traumatic and difficult time! Is she still begging to get on Liz Truss’s honours list, or has she given up yet? She gave up being an MP ages ago if only she’d make it official! Anyway investigations into the new Baroness are apparently blocked by super-injunction and the fact she bears more than a passing resemblance to Boris Johnson himself has led to speculation being rife. I daresay the truth will out eventually, has anyone actually thought to obtain her birth certificate yet? Those are public records after all. Anyway, back to Keir Mather. It’s not his age that people should have beef with, given he’s been elected, because age has nothing to do with being a Starmerite stooge, they come in all shapes and sizes and at any age and at the end of the day this is what people should focus on. At 25 he certainly you would imagine lacks life experience, I’ll come back to the experience he does have in a moment, you may figure that experience out in the real world should be a bonus to any prospective parliamentary candidate, but more so is the fact this young man got selected, when certainly more experienced people did not. Take Mish Rahman, a member of Labour’s own National Executive Committee getting turned down, a guy who has literally sat on other selection panels yet can’t get selected himself. Worse, he knew he wouldn’t. Dawn McGuinness the trade unionist in Wales who couldn’t get on the longlist for Bangor and Aberconwy, yet a Councillor from Croydon who is on at least 3 lists now could. Look at every Labour MP who has suffered deselection or removal from their candidacy due to boundary changes. Weird how they all seem to be left wingers isn’t it? What get’s you elected these days isn’t so much what you know, but who you know and Mather’s back story covers both, a back story full of, as investigation has revealed, that is full of omissions and denials. Mather went to private school for a start, Hymers College, which, for a full 11 year education costs just over £138,000. His comms team tried to drag Evolve Politics for exposing this fact and little wonder when Labour MPs tend to go to great pains to advertise their working class credentials, how often have you heard Starmer go my father was a toolmaker, my mother was a burse for instance? Labour MPs know its damaging to be seen as something other than from working class stock, more so when you consider just 7% of the population are privately educated, yet 30% of MPs are. You expect it from Tories, not Labour, the more elitist representatives we have in parliament, the less representative parliament ends up being. The next port of call of course for your average MP is Oxbridge of course and Mather headed to Oxford on a scholarship no less, Political Leadership Scholarship to the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford indeed, so a career in politics beckoned. Whilst at University he did indeed find himself work in the political world, working for the then former Tory MP Matthew Parris, who has been singing his praises in his Times column last week – when was the last time you saw Tory boy Parris praise a Labour MP? Why indeed did Mather opt to work for the former Tory politician too? Well, given Mather had kept this quiet as well and was only uncovered via more investigative journalism, I guess he won’t be telling us. Parris in his column said we need more Keir’s like this one, but I couldn’t possibly agree. His world of work experience beyond his privileged education consists of having worked as a researcher for Starmerroid minion Wes Streeting and then a brief stint working for the CBI, the Confederation of British Industry, which is not so much for the workers, but for the bosses. So he got elected, it’s done now. Upon election he was interviewed quickly on the main story affecting Starmer at the time which was Starmer, AKA Sir Kid Starver, going back on his word over the two child benefit cap. What would he know with his background really as to how this affects ordinary people’s lives? So it’s hardly a surprise that he said in response to being asked if he supported a Labour government going back on this policy: I’d support the Labour government in that policy, I think we’re going to inherit an absolute economic mess from the Conservatives when we take power, we’re going to have to make extremely difficult decisions once we do and I support the Labour government in doing so.’ Good little Starmer drone, just like they told you. He read it out like it was scripted in a voice that makes him sound like David Beckham swallowed a full can of helium. This is why he got picked, this is why he got put to stand in a seat Labour had a solid chance of winning because Starmer wants more yes men, not that he needs them, such is the state of the Labour Party right now. Age is no barrier to politics despite what people might think is right and what they might say. I have zero faith that this guy will be anything but another Starmerite lackey, that’s reinforced by an appalling column Mather wrote whilst at university in Chertwell’s Magazine, the university’s own publication, where he extolled the virtues of Dan Hodges as a journalist and laid into both Ken Livingstone and Jeremy Corbyn as antisemites and encouraging people to stay in the party and fight them as plenty of the rest of us joined because suddenly we liked what Labour had on offer. Mather didn’t like that, his and Starmer’s faction are back in charge and frankly they can have it. But as I was saying, age is no barrier, because at 25, Mather is actually four years older than the SNP’s Mhairi Black was when she was elected shortly before her 21st birthday. She has gone on to build up a reputation for taking no s**t from anyone, is widely well thought of even outside of Scotland for the way she has torn the Tories apart on more than one occasion and proves the point that age is no issue if the candidate is a right and sound one. Of course it’s not me that has used age as an excuse to discriminate though. Starmer did it himself. He might actually have won the Uxbridge by-election if Labour members were able to support the guy they picked, instead of Starmer’s imposed candidate, Danny Beales, who they had rejected in 6 out of 7 local hustings. They wanted a young man called Connor Liberty to represent them, but London Labour, who had taken over the selection process and frozen out the local CLP, decided that at 21, he was too young and inexperienced. Of course that hasn’t stopped the same Labour apparatchiks, aside from blaming Sadiq Khan and blaming ULEZ, also blaming that said frozen out CLP for the failure too! The thing is, it was actually because Liberty was a socialist that he got dumped and this is shown to be the case rather blatantly by another shortlisted candidate, because making a shortlist of just two candidates for Leeds South West & Morley is Anna Baxter, a second year York University student, having only left school in 2021! She’s the same age Mhairi Black was when she entered parliament roughly speaking, but if she’s going to be picked, she’ll have to be a drone for Sir Kid Starver, not a challenge to the establishment like Mhairi Black has been. Age is just a number, it’s what you have to say and what you believe in that counts, who you want to stand up for a represent is what matters. To make the grade in Starmer’s regime, you have to put yourself, your leader and your career first, because that’s what Starmer has done from day one and he won’t be changing anytime soon. Thanks for watching, I hope you found this video useful, please like, share and subscribe if you did, new content out daily. Meanwhile, here’s a video recommendation for you where blaming others for your own failure is rapidly becoming Starmer’s trademark, the blame for Labour’s loss on ULEZ made all the more pathetic given Starmer backed it just a fortnight ago and I’ll hopefully see you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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