The Cowboy & the Suit - Wayne Hicks, COO of the Liberty Dollar Financial Association

10 months ago

Sean Patrick Tario (The Suit) and James Charles Phillips (The Cowboy) spend time with Wayne Hicks from the Liberty Dollar Financial Association, a Private Member Association (PMA) that allows its members anywhere on the planet to utilize the power of silver, profit from the unavoidable impending hyper-inflation, help return the world to a value-based monetary system and put some real money in their own pockets at the same time.

As MARK37 has become a member of the LDFA and will be accepting Liberty Dollars as payment on shortly, we thought it appropriate to introduce you all to Wayne, the LDFA and, for those of you who are unfamiliar with what a fiat monetary system is, provide some education on the topic. We also get Wayne to tell us how he was able to take a boat around the entire coast of Florida using FREE ENERGY from a wind turbine contraption he built himself... hoping this sparks some ideas in all your heads on you might be able to do something similar!

Please also forgive James, popping in and out of the interview... he's taking baby steps toward becoming a technology wizard and was working with an overheating phone, in an area with poor reception sitting outside a coffee shop. Patience and persistent will win this race :)

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