Oak Hill Church of Christ 7-23-23 Message "Forgiveness"

1 year ago

The Oak Hill Church of Christ presents for you a lesson entitled "Forgiveness" offered by Neil Greenwood to your edification.

The concept of forgiveness can be a difficult one to translate. Not merely the words used in the Bible in their original tongues, but also their purpose. In some ways, forgiveness has come to mean on the part of the wrongdoer, of an obligation that God or another individual has toward them whenever they say "sorry."

In other ways, it has come to mean something which can be earned or purchased, either in such a way so as to enrich an intermediary, as was the historical case with the Catholic Church by way of indulgences; and by way of the sinner who wants an opportunity to "earn" grace, rather than to come before God as a penitent.

God, however, has a different understanding of forgiveness. For God, forgiveness is an act of cleansing and an act of taking or carrying away. God's intent with forgiveness was not to provide an avenue by which some might be made rich, or by which, one may engage in sinful acts with impunity.

God intends forgiveness as a way by which His flawed creation might seek a closer relationship with Him, in spite of their flaws, so long as they were honest and forthright about them.

God invites you, today, to take His desire for a relationship with you to heart, to be honest with yourself and God, to repent and ask forgiveness, that your place beside Him might be restored through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus and the great love which he freely gave for you.

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