What's the most fucked up thing someone has told you? #secret #secrets #darksecrets

1 year ago

#reddit #reddittymes #tymes #reddittymestoday
Visited a coffee shop for the first time on holiday. Barista commented on my tattoos. I said thank you. She told me she's not allowed to get tattoos but she cuts herself to enjoy the pain and that's nearly the same thing. I found a different coffee shop for the rest of the holiday.
Chatted with a huge middle-aged dude in a bar once who after about 2 minutes, told me that he had been in prison for bashing his dad's head in with a hammer. His dad used to beat his mom and one day he'd had enough of it.
I made the unfortunate mistake of inviting my old neighbour over when we were having a party. He had like five gins in my kitchen and confessed to an unsolved murder in Nunavut, Canada.He's in jail.
Bartender for awhile. “I’m here to meet a man to cheat on my husband withâ€
A girl I was dating mentioned that her dad was sleeping with her older sister, and that she would soon be next. That made me “the competition†.
My favorite ever was some stranger outside a bar. Seemed normal enough until she said "My husband and I used to do meth, but we don't anymore." I applauded her on this and then she followed up with "Yeah, now we only have meth weekends."Edit: typo and thanks for the awards!
New roommate told me her current boyfriend got kicked out of college for sexual assault and was under investigation for another case of sexual assault. Wanted my opinion about it within like two hours or meeting. Completely disregarded that my opinion was “run†.
Started talking to a homeless guy outside of the grocery store.Learned he was fresh out of prison for shooting his brother who had slept with his (ex) wife.
Oh, I have another one. Girl I worked with but didn't really know beyond her name. Told me she liked to hold her boyfriend's penis and do the aiming for him when he took a piss.
Moved to a neighborhood not to long ago first person I meet was a older woman in her 50s. She told me all about her drug use and how sometimes she ends up outside naked and asked if I would help her back inside and put clothes on her. This was all in 5 minutes of saying hello.
This happened to my wife. We had just moved into a new house and the lady next door came over to introduce herself to my wife. As she was talking she informed my wife that her husband was mad at her because she had farted when he was going down on her.
We were 17, first year of uni, and I had known the guy for a week or two tops.Out of flocking nowhere, he tells me he had a kink for getting farted in the face by girls. I pissed myself laughing and we became good friends for a while.
I was doing a service call at a house and just making small talk when the owner mentioned out of the blue that she's married to her uncle. I've been there twice, and both times they felt the need to tell me. It's... kinda weird
That he broke in and beat the shit out of a guy who raped his daughter (put the guy in the hospital) with a baseball bat. I totally get why he did it but I have no idea why he thought it was a good story to tell a new coworker.
She said that if I wanted she would kill her parents so we can live at her house,I never went on a second date with her
Girl at the gym told me she was in an unhappy marriage and never loved her husband and as soon as the kids finished school she was leaving him. Pretty sure I didn't even know her name.
At workMe: hey New Guy, nice to meet you!New Guy: yea you too. Check out this picture of a dude in a coffin. That’s my nephew. He was killed in a drive by last month. Me: ....lemme show you where the coffee maker is...
When I used to work in construction I was on a project with this old guy that told me he was once accused of raping his daughter but after an investigation was conducted it turned out it was his brother who committed the crime. Way too much information. Had another idiot showing everyone pictures on his phone of him and his stripper wife having a threesome. Can’t say I miss the trades.
This was a patient. Middle-aged guy in short term nursing home for a hip replacement or something. I'm trying to get to know him to figure out what kind of skills he may need to work on in order to return home safely. I ask him "Do you cook?"He responds: I used to, but then the cops found out.
Years ago I went on a date with a guy I met via AOL Personals. Within five minutes of the date, he told me he was working on a book about speed seduction. And he was so confident he could speed seduce me, he already had a condom on ready for me.I high tailed out of there full speed. I googled him awhile back and turns out he ended up self-publishing the book.
First time meeting a lady while I was bartending. One drink in, she proceeds to tell me that her husband cheated on her so she cheated on him with a young Jehovah Witness that had showed up at her front door.

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