#STOPtheWHO: Six Reasons To Oppose the World Health Organization

10 months ago

The World Health Organization have evolved from an organisation run by member states for member states, into an organisation run by private corporate entities, using citizens in member states as commodities for profit.

Many member states signed contracts with pharmaceutical companies which their citizens have never seen, and which drove the vaccine mandates forced upon citizens, most of whom were at no risk from Covid and many of whom were harmed by the product. WHO have at least 500 new vaccines planned and a pandemic industry simulating exercises to repeat this exercise which impoverished significant proportions of citizens via lockdowns and mandates, whilst enriching and empowering those in charge of the so-called "public health" response.

The 2022 Oxfam report, Profiting From Pain, describes the covid pandemic as "one of the best times in recorded history for the billionaire class". They state that a new billionaire was minted every 30 hours during the pandemic, and at the same time, a million people were pushed into severe poverty every 33 hours. Read the report here:

You may not have personally been impoverished by this pandemic. With each pandemic the chances of you becoming one of the victims of this vicious industry increase exponentially.

James Roguski describes succinctly, just six reasons to oppose the amendments being made to the WHO International Health Regulations. Nations are represented in these negotiations by unelected bureaucrats who stand to benefit in some way. Do you know who is representing you?

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v2f5w7s-stop-the-who-6-reasons-to-oppose-the-proposed-amendments-to-the-internation.html

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