This Baby Knows How To Rock A Beard, Until He Sneezes

7 years ago

Kids grow up so fast these days! With the help of the wonders of Snapchat, this little baby is able to grow a full beard in just a blink of an eye! But what happens next is even more impressive!

While <a href="" target="_blank">Snapchat</a> was designed to give people of the Internet a way to communicate without having to type a single word, the emphasis has slowly moved from sharing photos and short clips, to using insane animated filters that blow people’s minds! They are like the secret weapons for Snapchatters.

Parents have abused these filters by putting them on their babies; a sort of harmless entertainment that goes away after 24 hours, so no harm, no foul, right? Well this dad managed to capture something out of this world with his baby boy on Snapchat, which he then decided to share with <a href="" target="_blank">America’s Funniest Videos</a>! Thanks daddio!

The clip begins innocently enough: dad and his baby are fooling around with Snapchat’s beard filter, but then something almost magical happens that makes this video go from cute to hilarious: the baby executes the most perfectly-timed sneeze in the history of sneezes, making this clip comedy gold!

With the kid’s sneeze moving his face off camera, the beard literally jumps from his face and onto dad’s! “Whoa! That was crazy! How does that work??" the dad exclaims.

We’ve no idea, but let’s not ruin it with science!

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