How to defeat the Spotted lanternfly and also stop deer from eating your plants

1 year ago

I found a way to defeat the Spotted lantern fly and as a bonus I also found a way to stop those deer from eating our Hosta and other plants in our garden. This homemade remedy is safe around children and pets, but deadly to all bugs and the Lantern Fly!

Deer repellant solution:
In a gallon container add 2 bars of Irish Spring
Give it a nice squirt of Tabasco Sauce.
Fill with water and allow to stand overnight

Spotted Lanternfly Killer:
In a one Gallon multi use garden sprayer add
8oz of rubbing Alcohol
8oz liquid dish soap
8oz baby shampoo
4oz of mouthwash
Give it a swirl and top off to one gallon using the deer repellant solution

Dedicate that gallon sprayer for this purpose. You will find you will not use it all because you just use it to spray on the bug, and you don't need to spay them a lot because they die when sprayed, It takes from 15 seconds to 60 seconds for the bug to die because the spray blocks the pores on their body, and then they slowly suffocate.

Good luck, and when you find how well this works, please give a like and subscribe. Thanks!

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