One Coronavirus Act: 5 Arrests!

10 months ago

Over a period of 2 years, Britain sank into a dystopian hell hole thanks to the introduction of the 'Coronavirus Act' in March 2020.

This nightmarish legislation led to the persecution, fines and arrest of thousands of innocent individuals in the U.K. who intentionally or unintentionally decided to say "no" to the illegal and dictatorial measures imposed on the population, all in the name of 'keeping us safe'.

During this time, I was arrested by the Metropolitan Police Corporation 5 times.

This video highlights my encounters with the 'law' and raises awareness of the disproportionate use of police powers and media propaganda against the Freedom Demonstrators.

The media, politicians, medics and even the general public attacked us. Why? Because we were a genuine threat to the Corporations and they were terrified of us!

To watch the excellent 'Heart Nation' video featuring my 2nd arrest, click on the link below:

And subscribe to their uncensored video channel on Rumble!:

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