Rescued Dog Is Unrecognizable After 35 Pounds Of Hair Are Shaved Off Its Body

8 years ago

Curious footage has emerged of a dog keeping a strange walking posture and pace and taking weird steps on his stroll after having his first haircut after six years. This unfortunate pooch was bearing the weight of its heavy fur which was weighing him down. Finally, he was relieved from the excess of hair, which left him unskilled to balance his lightweight, causes him to walk in a funny manner.

Watch as Lazarus, a rescued Great Pyrenees, walks on grass for the first time after losing 35 pounds of heavily matted hair. Lazarus had been under the care of owners who had terminal medical conditions which left them unable to look after him. Luckily Amanda Charsha-Lindsey, who works with Big Fluffy Dog Rescue, decided to take him under her care.

Reportedly, Lazarus finally got a second chance at life after spending six years in a barn stall. This is the inspiring video of a rescued dog that was after freed from that nasty, excessive hair it carried as a burden. According to Charsha-Lindsey, Lazarus was kept in a barn stall for the past six years and was in desperate need of a haircut when groomer Candice Skelton rescued the pup.

Also, Skelton shaved 35 pounds of hair off of the dog, which made him nearly unrecognizable. It took seven people to get this dog to the groomer and get him out of that predicament.

Charsha-Lindsey says that Lazarus is shy and doesn’t show much interest in being around other people or dogs, although he is very affectionate toward her. Hopefully, Lazarus wasn't abused in any way, but he was only neglected by his previous owners. His transformation is truly spectacular!

Charsha-Lindsey wrote on Facebook Friday that she took Lazarus to do a lap around the yard in order to loosen him up and 'start building some muscle tone back.' She said Lazarus will now need 'vetting and some rehab time to introduce him to the world.'

Lazarus has an incredible second chance for a good life; however, he is still not ready for adoption. He needs more time to get used to new people and a new place. He is currently in a foster home in Virginia where he will stay until he gets ready for new family and permanent home!

So, please make sure you share this video and this fantastic transformation story, who knows maybe we will help Lazarus to find his new home!

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