5G, Artificial Intelligence and total surveillance

1 year ago

Flowery words are used everywhere to promote applications for artificial intelligence AI and 5G. But if you ask people: “Would you like to see total global surveillance and the enslavement of humanity under smart machines handled by anonymous elites?”
Hardly anyone would agree to this.
But these are the very technologies that are being pushed forward and that will allow total control over humanity.
China is pioneer in total surveillance and wants to surpass the USA in terms of technology.

Watch this program to learn more about this issue.


1) How military and secret organizations are pushing for total surveillance

The Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in 2017 that China’s artificial intelligence would catch up with the USA in 2025 and lead the world in 2030.
As a result, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) was set up in the USA in 2018.
In a published document the “Chinese Tech Landscape Overview”, the mandate of the NSCAI is described as follows:
...developing ways in which the U.S. government, together with private companies can defend its technological lead in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and related technologies against China.

The chairman of the NSCAI, Eric Schmidt, is a former Google executive. His deputy Mark O. Work was a senior military expert in the US Department of Defense. Major corporations such as Microsoft, Amazon, the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Army, as well as George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the former head of U.S. intelligence Michael Dempsey are also represented in the NSCAI.
A combination of secret services, military, the Pentagon and tech industry like Silicon Valley, is working towards the U.S. becoming a totalitarian surveillance state.


2) Big Data for the expansion of power

For the United States and its Western allies, domination of the global oil market guaranteed the expansion of their supremacy in the 20th century.
In the 21st century, however, data and information are the new oil. They offer large corporations and governments great potential for expanding their power.
Total surveillance requires vast amounts of data, so-called Big Data.
Everything that generates data is interesting. Therefore, one can see a worldwide race for data. Everything is to be digitalized: Digital payment replaces cash. Online trading is being strengthened by weakening the retail.
Medicine is being transformed into telemedicine, electronic patient files and health apps.
China is also a pioneer in data collection.
Chris Darby, NSCAI member, CEO of 'In-Q-Tel' commented:
“Data is the new oil. China is currently being flooded with data and does not have the same constraints as we do when it comes to collecting and using them, because there are differences in privacy protection between our countries. Having the largest tagged data set in the world will be a great strength for them.”


3) Data protection and a well-functioning infrastructure are hindrances to Artificial Intelligence

Data protection rules as well as a so far well-functioning analog infrastructure through the nationwide supply of cash, bank branches, doctors, hospitals, teachers and functioning individual and public transport system, etc., prove to be hindrances for the USA and the West.

On the other hand, the lack of privacy protection allows the Chinese government to award technology companies huge contracts for mass surveillance.

Lack of doctors would promote remote diagnosis and treatment with A.I. support.
Congested cities boost the urgency to develop self-driving rental car fleets as a replacement for individual car ownership.
Payment apps replace cash, etc.
Once you get the picture, you will understand why all the obstacles to Big Data and A.I., and thus also to 5G, are being removed rapidly pace and with fine arguments that always sound good.


4) A Brave new world

Singapore is the pioneer in showing how A.I. can be used in everyday life.
In the wake of Corona, the use of A.I. is booming for example, with robot dogs in public places: If the robot dog spots park visitors standing too close to each other, it runs towards them and reminds them of the rules.
In a hospital, a robot brings medication to a ventilator patient and asks about their well-being. Robots transport groceries from supermarkets to the customer’s home, and robots roll along sidewalks urging people to stay home.
New technologies that would hardly be accepted in normal times are now getting their big chance, says Martin Ford, author of the book “Rise of the Robots”.


5) In Conclusion

Under the never-ending "progress" mantra, everything seems to get better and better.
But is it really desirable to end up in a cold technology-network of anonymous players, when there is a truly miraculous network-of-life with sky-high superior marvels?
Instead of “progressively” destroying the unique network of life and replacing it with clumsy technology, every one of us should ask himself:
Where do I give power to the destructive network of technology in exchange for comfort or out of fear?
Because change and reconsideration start with each and every one of us.
With you and with me.

from ag./kg.
Wie Militär und Geheimorganisationen die totale Überwachung vorantreiben



Big Data zum Ausbau der Macht


Chris Darby

Datenschutz und gut funktionierende Infrastruktur sind ein Hindernis für KI

Schöne Neue Welt


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