Having A Bad Day? This Little Boy's Singing Is SURE To Brighten Your Mood

8 years ago

The is the precious moment when a talented toddler gets fired up and starts singing along with the Christian song playing on the radio, while riding on the back seat of a car. This young boy named Demetrius was caught on camera sings along in his grandmother’s car. His performance is priceless!

Footage shows the adorable toddler comfortably seated in his car seat carrier listening to the song on radio. First, he timidly starts humming along, and later he braves up and starts singing along. Nonetheless, he is definitely getting into the song and takes the singing role too seriously.

It is adorable to witness how this young boy and his grandma spend their time together, singing along songs on the radio, enjoying their company. Not only does this little guy have a great voice, his attitude towards the performance is truly professional! Talent show recruiters beware, the new star is born!

Together, these two make one adorable duo! Demetrius is deeply concentrated into the song that he knows exactly when to pause and when to lower his voice. This adorable toddler has got the talent and gives a very strong song performance, too!

Singing is the single best activity you can do to stimulate your child’s musical mind during their infant and toddler years. If you’re not comfortable singing, it’s okay, but we encourage you to try. Your voice is the ideal instrument to engage your child musically: from an early age they naturally pay attention to your voice, they can respond with their own vocal sounds, and you can encourage them to sing by example.

The song “better Than Blessed” was originally sung by Louise ‘Candy’ Davis and is considered as her signature song. When it comes to soul, some folks are just born with it, just like little Demetrius here. He is only 23 months old in this video, but he knows Candy’s song almost by heart and his grandma Lydia Majette made sure the world knew just how good her tiny grandson is. And the world was in awe with the kid’s talent - the video has been viewed over 3 million times on Rumble alone and over 7 million times on Facebook!

We love how kids can show such incredible talent at such tender age. One of our ultimate favorites is lovely Sophie Fatu, who has been made famous online by her mom Victoria, a music professor at the West Virginia University. Sophie can sing almost any genre, but her favorite is the music sung by the incomparable Frank Sinatra.

Still, no good talent should ever allow themselves to stick to just one genre and that is exactly what sweet Vicky did. This is a clip of her singing “Mary Did You Know”, a classic Christmas hymn, accompanied by her mom Victoria, an award winning concert pianist and singer. The two form an impeccable harmony while singing together and it sends chills down our spines! We now know who did little Sophie gets both her looks and her talents from! She has such a bright and promising future ahead of her.

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