Who can have a depression and physical symptoms: part 1 of 2

10 months ago

I was diagnosed with seasonal bipolar depression 20 years ago, although episodes of depression and hypomania began 32 years ago. Despite not being a psychologist or psychiatrist, I believe my personal experience and acquired knowledge enable me to share a bit of my journey. I believe anyone can suffer from depression, regardless of genetic predisposition - an example of this is my own family, where depression and bipolarity have been present for three generations.

In my experience, depression is not a condition that affects only the "crazy". On the contrary, I consider that those who go through depression show courage and resilience.

As for the physical symptoms of depression that I have experienced, these include sleep disorders - sometimes I sleep 16 or even 24 hours straight -, muscle pains, and a weakened immune system. In addition, I suffer from headaches, lack of concentration, and memory loss. These symptoms have significant impacts on my daily life, making everyday tasks and study very challenging.

I invite everyone to understand that depression has real physical consequences. Our body, this incredible instrument we have, can be damaged and not function properly. It is essential to educate ourselves more about the physical manifestations of depression, and for that reason, I encourage research in scientific publications.

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