The Restoration of Rome Part V: Napoleon

10 months ago

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By the late 1700’s Hapsburg power had declined severely from its high point in the heady days of Charles V in the early 1500’s. The situation lead Voltaire to remark: "This body which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was in no way holy, nor Roman, nor an empire." However, the dream of a unified Europe would not be lost. A Corsican general would burst on the scene and culminate in one of the most fascinating coronations in history.

Inspired by a combination of the values of the evolving British political system, the social revolution in America and the influence of the social philosophies of Diderot, Rousseau and Voltaire, which encouraged a more egalitarian social order undercutting the sharp class distinctions, the French Revolution began. This revolution lead to the rise of Napoleon who would seek to rule over a unified Europe as Emperor.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a willing participant in a coup to overthrow the existing government. The new government was now in the hands of three Consuls, with Napoleon being the First Consul. After ten years of chaos, France was ready to have the stability offered by a dictator. Napoleon immediately began a series of reforms to put France on a much more stable footing including the introduction of the Napoleonic code.

In 1804, due to a series of royalist plots, advisers suggested that Napoleon become Emperor of France. The idea was put to the people in a referendum (no secret ballots), and over 99% of the vote was favourable. Preparations were made for a great coronation in Notre Dame Cathedral.

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