Somerton and Frome brought out the anti Tory and anti Starmer vote.

10 months ago

As the Tories got rightly destroyed by the Lib Dems in the Somerton & Frome by-election, so did Starmer's Labour.
Right so Somerton and Frome, Somerset, the one by-election last night Labour were not tipped to win and boy did they not win it! Neither did the Tories hold it however, as the Lib Dems utterly destroyed them in fact, gaining a ridiculously huge 28.4% in terms of vote share and winning 21,187 votes overall that was 54.6% of the total vote. The Tory vote share collapsed. They still came second, but lost almost 30% of their vote share, so this was a proper get the Tories out by election, the Lib Dems were the second placed party, tactical voting was the order of the day and people backed the Lib Dems to do so. In fact it was so obvious they were romping home with this win, the Lib Dems had declared victory by around midnight before all the ballot boxes were even in! Sunak’s candidate only managed to get a total of 10,179 votes meaning the Lib Dems actually beat them twice over, that’s the way to rout a rotten incumbent, that’s how you punish a governing party that has spent long enough inflicting hardship and pain on the populace. It was the expected result, it delivered and then some and you can’t say much else other than congratulations to the Lib Dems for doing the job, especially when Labour failed to do likewise in Uxbridge, though obviously did better in Yorkshire, covered in other vids. Labour also took a kicking though here. Oh Damo, come off it you’re not going to turn the Lib Dems beating the Tories into another get Starmer vid are you? You might be thinking and well, I did mention an anti Starmer vote here too in the title, so I kinda have to mention it at least. As brilliantly as the Lib Dems did here and as much as it is a perfectly valid argument to make that Labour voters will have lent their votes to the Lib Dems, I don’t think that is quite the whole story. Labour didn’t just lose here, they came fifth, whereas last time out in 2019, they came third. Now, turnout in this by-election, like all by-elections was down, turnout was down 31.4%, so by nearly a third, but still, Labour’s loss saw them lose 10.3% of their vote share. We also know it won’t have all gone to the Lib Dems either, because they weren’t the only party to gain vote share despite the low turnout. Third placed party, was, just as in Uxbridge, the Green Party. In 2019 the Greens came fourth behind Labour, this time, with a lower turnout and more candidates, they came third to Labour’s fifth. The Greens actually gained a respectable 5.1% in terms of vote share, actually winning 3,944 votes this time on their lower vote share, when in 2019 their total number of votes was, incredibly less than this, getting 3,295. They gained votes and vote share on a lower turnout in this by-election. That is significant. That is a good result for the Greens to build on.


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