PCR test in court - lawyers accuse! (by Ivo Sasek)

1 year ago

In my recent speech, “The Death Countdown is running”(www.kla.tv/18040)," I warned the world's population about the outrageous negligence of this hastily unleashed Covid vaccination campaign. And that's because the new RNA vaccines have been negligently deprived of all mandatory long-term testing. And most despicable of all: these Covid vaccine manufacturers did this despite absolutely miserably failed animal tests beforehand. In plain language, this means that all these many helpless little animals have previously suffered completely futile, blatant RNA vaccine damage and many have died as a result. Anyway, just a few days after my warning speech, we were inundated with reports of thousands of vaccine injuries around the world - just in nursing homes in our hemisphere, people died by the dozens immediately after Covid vaccination. And of course, everyone denies any connections to the vaccine. As a background, I remind you again of these two broadcasts (in German: www.kla.tv/18272 – in English www.kla.tv/18225).
By the way, you can conveniently download this information, including sources of evidence in the broadcast text below in German, print it out, or distribute it anywhere with just a few mouse clicks.
Remember, however, that these reports cover only just the first days of the tragedy, without all the damage or deaths covered up, that is, kept secret, also without taking into account all the late effects still to come, which could be the worst, and anyway without any unrecorded figures.
The death countdown has only just begun - unfortunately.

But this whole Covid 19 story has finally brought the prosecutor to task. What happened?
In Germany, "lawyers for enlightenment" have banded together to fight with concerted efforts and, as it were, tougher tactics. Together with “luminaries" from every possible background and truly independent from the pharma-lobby, they are finally grabbing the famous bull directly by the horns:
-- Beforehand, in collaboration with high-ranking virologists, epidemiologists, physicians, etc., they demonstrated the total basic error, or fraud, of the PCR test.

-- And then, with their combined efforts, they compiled professional templates, that is, criminal charges and criminal applications, which can simply be - with or without a lawyer- “copy-pasted” and submitted by everyone. They only need to be adapted to the individual situation, and then submitted to the respective public prosecutor's offices.

Here are two short excerpts from page 4 and page 17 of the indictment, which totals 21 A4 pages:

Page 44
"In addition, there is so much scientific evidence of glaring deficiencies specifically in the PCR test for Sars-COV-2 that this test simply cannot provide a viable basis for medical curative interventions or infection control measures. These indications are presented in detail in the recently published Corman-Drosten Review Report (see attachment). It details why the so-called Drosten PCR test for Sars-COV-2, on which all currently used PCR tests are based, is not validated* and cannot be validated."
(*validated = declared to be legally valid).

On page 19 of the Covid Fraud Criminal Complaint, starting with paragraph 1, it lists in detail "which offenses can even be considered under criminal law", such as:
- Denial of justice (§ 339 StGB)
- coercion (§ 240 StGB)
- negligent bodily injury (paragraph 223.229 StGB)
- severe form of endangering the welfare of a child
- negligent homicide (paragraph 222 StGB)

but also
- deprivation of liberty (paragraph 239 StGB)

I think there is still more, which may be considered.

-- Also in the case that a public prosecutor's office, despite irrefutable facts, reacts evasively or dismissively, the "Lawyers for Enlightenment" have already taken precautions; namely by means of another available template - in the form of an equally professional letter of objection.

-- Based on this fundamental preliminary work alone, more than 140 laypeople already filed their personal criminal complaints and criminal charges against the foremost accomplices of the Covid 19 fraud - so something surely is going on. Every criminal complaint can be published and commented on the Internet pages of the "Lawyers for Enlightenment"! And so the entire conduct of the criminal complaint is always transparent for everyone.

-- Other similar groups of respectable lawyers, jurists, scientists, etc... have already been formed, with the same goal and at least equally equipped. Inform yourself about it in the net.

In short, at the bottom of the program text is a link that will take you directly to the original professional templates
You can also copy the February 2021 version in German from there or download it at the click of a button and redistribute it wherever you go.

Since the whole "pandemic", according to the criminal charges, is a provable, fundamental fraud, which harms just about everybody, literally everybody, it should not be difficult for the Swiss or Austrians to apply these criminal charges or criminal complaints to their own law. For the time being, these "small adjustments" still have to be worked out. Anyone who has already made these adjustments, however, is welcome to send them to Kla.TV for general publication - we thank you so much in advance.

However, we ask everyone who participates in these actions to really study carefully these documents prepared by the lawyers in advance and follow their accompanying advice. Anyone who has his or her personal adjustment briefly checked by any specialist before submitting it to any public prosecutor's office has certainly done nothing wrong.

Now that we have provided you with the necessary legal means with these publications, we hope that you too, together with your acquaintances, can draw your own appropriate conclusions.
However, there is far more potential for criminal charges in the whole Covid fraud story.
First and foremost, Big Pharma must finally be held accountable for all their deliberate deceptions and misleading. That finally has to happen! Nobody knew better than Big-Pharma from the very beginning that the whole mask story based on the misleading PCR tests would only serve their wayward profit maximization! Despite all of this, they continue to rake in billions in profits with this fake test and mislead the entire world into these lockdowns. For this willful income fraud - I'll call it that - Big-Pharma as a whole must be held legally accountable. It must repay its negligently enforced trillion-dollar profits to the defrauded peoples. We must demand this! As the main culprit for the senseless lockdown catastrophies, it must also be punished for all the damages to the people worldwide. Nobody knew better than Big-Pharma how unpredictable and life-threatening these hasty Covid vaccinations are, or at least can be. Endangering the common good, and defying every warning from independent experts, it nevertheless administers and markets its unpredictable toxic cocktails everywhere, and in an extremely negligent manner, until now.

Therefore, I call once again upon you lawyers, from the little known lawyer to famous lawyers:
Please rise up now, leave your comfort zones and do your duty, even if it was your martyrdom! For the common whole, it has to be done now!
Compile corresponding and necessary criminal charges as templates for the public prosecutor's offices of every kind, where necessary!
The world needs you now! Don't leave it in this quagmire, don't leave us in this quagmire!
You were born to rescue it!
Please go down in history as heroes and not as cowardly deserters!

-- Also, think of those traitors of their own nation, who purposefully facilitate the takeover of their own country and all national states by eccentric foreign world leaders through the pandemic-panic.
Jacques Attali, for example, presidential advisor and mastermind of the elites in France, or also G8 enablers, dared to do so as early as 2009, in a media article that can still be read today in the press. He openly expressed the following monstrosity... - By the way, at that time it was still about the scaremongering around the swine flu. Listen to him:

“History teaches us that humanity only develops significantly when it is truly afraid. The onset of this pandemic could trigger one of these structured fears. Then we will be able to create the basis for a real world government much faster than it would have been possible solely on economic grounds.”
Paul Schreyer

-- Such statements constitute nothing less than a criminal offense of genocide or open incitement to treason against the country and the state! Do you see that? Also “Lawyers for Enlightment” might want to write criminal charges and draft criminal applications to that end against such uninhibited conspirators. Because such conspirators, for decades, have been behind the scenes at the top of highly acclaimed democracies and are trying to constantly force new regulations and laws upon democratically oriented peoples, manifestly without their knowledge and against their will.

-- Last but not least, “Lawyers for Enlightenment” might also want to draft a criminal complaint against the entire global capitalist class, big time! Hundreds of reputable enlightened people gave enough reason for this, like none other than the renowned Catherine Austin Fitts. She is the founder and director of Solari Report, a former investment banker on Wall Street. And as a whistleblower at the front line, she has testified to the following monstrosities:

“What the global capitalists have realized was that they have a problem. And the solution for this problem is the destruction of independent income of small and single businesses. Lockdown is an economic war.

Since April we've seen global billionaires increase their net worth by 27%. What that says is this has been a very successful global economic war.

Because which you're having is the sort of global capitalist class... I shouldn't call it capitalism because it's not...it's much more economic to totalitarianism... They've been able to consolidate phantastic amounts of economic wealth - not just by deleting the income of the middle class and consolidating it into their companies...”

Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-5IeUtzVNE

See! And these testimonies have long since been shared by hundreds of high-ranking enlightened people. Now, if that's not enough ground for more criminal charges then tougher stuff is needed.

Please share this knowledge, especially this broadcast, as far as you can. Call lawyers you know to duty, and also continue to supply us with indispensable information material, but also with elaborated criminal charges and the likes.

I say, in our common fight for enlightenment, cordial thanks to all of you!

I am Ivo Sasek, who's been standing before God for 43 years.

from is.
The unexplained death’s of elderly after Covid vaccinations.

Deaths of seniors after vaccinations:
8 dead in Miesbach nursing home


13 Tote in Leverkusener Altenheim. Sie erhielten vorher die 1. Impfdosis.



15 dead in Leverkusener nursing home


Leipzig - 16 deaths - "Am Auenwald", every 4th resident died of or with Corona - only a few days after the seniors were vaccinated.


Emsteker nursing home - 5 dead


Berlin - 6 of 32 vaccinated senior citizens dead


That was already an issue in the Corona Committee if inquiry



Dessau - 2 dead after vaccination in retirement home


12 residents and 2 employees have been infected.
Doctor claims: Not possible that vaccination could have caused disease


Norway - 23 dead after vaccination
Zusammenhang mit der Impfung gibt es aber scheinbar keinen.


With the 13 dead in Schwäbisch Gmünder retirement home


then rose to 18

Further sources/Links:

Authorities conceal mass Corona vaccine injuries:


Why many people will still die months after a Covid-19 vaccination


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