Ignoreland by R.E.M. ~ The Protest Song of Truth that set the Q Revolution in Motion...

1 year ago

If there was ever a Modern Grassroots Americana Album, Of the People, By the People and For the People, in the Tradition of Woody Guthrie and say, Bruce Springsteen, then it was REM's, Automatic for the People...

Two Sides, Six Songs per Side for a Total of 12 Gems that eerily Captured the Gruesome state of affairs that America had become by the early Nineties, but what is most fascinating of all, is that these songs DEFINE the State of America in 2023, almost as if the Band's lyricist, Singer, Michael Stipe, had been given our Landscape of today, de facto, back in 1991...

The album's Musical and Lyrical theme was overtly Thoughtful and Melancholy, that would burst forth at times with either Calculated Frustration and Anger, or Breathtaking Innocence and Hope...and what was made so very clear within the lyrics of Michael Stipe was that while Everything in America had become massively Fucked Up and turned Upside Down, that there was Legitimate Hope for Americans and America, but not just yet...soon, but not yet...

The entire album, in the traditions of both Woody Guthrie and Bruce Springsteen, powerfully spoke the Truth, without any attempts to diffuse the Pain and Suffering that went along with all of the Lies...songs like Everybody Hurts, Monty Got a Raw Deal, Man on the Moon, and this Song, Ignoreland, RIPPED the Illusion that America was some kind of Iconic Nation of Freedom, revealing in its place a broken down vessel of once Awesome Grandeur and Character, that had been levelled into Parking Garages and Cesspools of Broken Emotions...

Ignoreland is one of the Most Brutally Honest Songs about Modern America ever written...there are no 'niceties' within the Song, just an UNRELENTING Attack by Michael Stipe against 'The Bastards' that STOLE the Heart and Soul of America after the long US versus THEM Cold War Battle between America the Soviet Union...on the surface, it may have looked like America had won this war, with the Soviet Union collapsing into a series of Petty Dictatorial psuedo-Capitalist Nation States where Violence, Thuggery and Greed won the Day, leaving the once Strong and Proud Russian Peoples a group of Wayward Vagabonds seeking survival by any means...but it was not so...while Russia's overt Collapse and Re-Birth was plainly shown on CNN, America's Downward Spiral to the year 2023, was happening Behind the Scenes...behind all of the Glamorous American Award Shows, Red Carpets, Sporting Events, and Shopping Malls, America's Collapse was being Brewed in Secret, awaiting a Release Date that still has not yet come...and when this collapse comes, it will send into motion a series of Cataclysmic Events that will Shake the very Foundations of the Earth, causing even the largest Nation-States to Collapse into the very recesses of this Earth...

But out of this Great Fall and Cataclysm, will come as Michael Stipe alluded to at the end of the Song...

'And that takes us out of the record, and into the Revolution. Take it.'

The Revolution OF the People, BY the People and FOR the People that will cause the once Mighty Phoenix that is America, to Rise once more Out of the Ashes, to be Re-Born in a Blaze of Glory, and Resurrect the True Purpose and Vision that is these United States of America...One Nation Under God, where Every Man, Wombman and Child is FREE to Pursue the purpose to Living, which is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...and like a Grand River that cannot be stopped from Finding the Great Sea, Freedom for All the World WILL be achieved, and 'these Bastards' who hijacked our Glorious and Storied Past, will sink back into the Dust, Dirt and Darkness from whence they came, leaving only the Virtue and Strength of God's Light to Show us the Way to a Brand New Day...

With Deep Love, your Friend,

Charlie Freak

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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