How ignoring your instincts could kill you.

1 year ago

A few years ago we adopted Millie and Mildred.

The two ducks waddled around inseparably, each mimicking the other.

If one quacks the other quacks.

Once, a light aircraft flew directly overhead.

We heard the drone of the engine approaching.

The quacking intensified and then stopped.

I couldn’t help laughing as I watched the two earth-bound white birds.

They both had their heads on the side with one eye pointing skyward, watching the bright red plane fly by.

They would look at one another with a “ quack”, then cock their heads again to spy the plane as if to say “How the heck can that be?”

It was hilarious.

The previous owners had wanted a good home for their ducks.

They came and checked out our place and were happy to see we had a dam so the ducks had somewhere to swim.

The day they arrived we let them go near the dam.

We had other ducks there and I hand fed them all some grain.

The newcomers wanted nothing to do with potential friends or the water and headed straight in the opposite direction.

They set up home close to our back door, all the time quacking together as they fossicked happily for grubs, snails and other treasures!

Every day, they demand a few handfuls of grain, pecking at my shoes whenever I venture near the chook-run where the feed is kept.

They quack as if to say, “Hey what about us?”

One day, I decided to let them enjoy a swim, so I caught Millie and Mildred and threw them on the dam.

Well, they almost walked on water!

They got such a shock, they flapped their wings frantically trying not to drown, and before I knew it, they were back near the back door.

I don’t think they knew what it was, having been reared in town with nowhere to swim.

They had lost their natural instincts.

They didn’t take ‘like a duck to water’!

It got me thinking about us humans.

We are afraid of storms that bring us much needed water.

We mistrust the trees that tower over us, scared they will fall on us.

And when we cut them all down the rain stops and we have a desert.

For some reason we have lost our instincts that tell us that Mother Nature has our back.

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