These Folks Should Be Kept Away From Power Tools

7 years ago

They have been invented to make every handyperson’s life that much easier. Just plug them in the wall socket and let’er rip! But power tools don’t have the word “power” in them for nothing, the really do require a lot of manpower to handle them! They also require some know how and sensibility to work them.

However, there are people out there with the unquenchable thirst for all things wacky, so naturally, when they have a corn on the cob in one hand and a power drill in the other, they see the means to eat every kernel off that cob with the speed of...well, a power drill. That is of course how that woman was left without her bangs. But then, there are folk who see an opportunity to make shucking corn that much easier.

What we can’t, for the world, understand is how did that dude let the power drill ride him, instead of the other way around? Not only did he lack the necessary manpower to handle the machinery, but he seems a bit underweight. Or the drill was too damn powerful for the job. We will never know.

Also, what is it with people and leaf blowers? Why do they feel the irresistible urge to turn the machine upon themselves, right in their mouth? Of course Nana will lose her dentures!

Then again, you can always train your dog to mow the lawn and pull your kid in a sleigh at the same time. Just don’t leave them both unattended!

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