About Eastern Europe / Prank with Alexandre de Rothschild Part 1

11 months ago

"Our company acts in the interests of the Government of Ukraine"

In the new episode of the show, Alexander Rothschild told Zelensky how his companies make money in Ukraine.

"As you know, our company has been acting in the interests of the Government of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance since 2017. And we have a great relationship with people in your government. We mainly dealt with the issues of attracting borrowed funds. As you know, we are not indifferent to your country, especially in the conditions of a very painful war for you."

He also said that his empire has not suffered because of anti-Russian sanctions.

"We had a very small office in Moscow. By "very small" I mean ten banking specialists. And, as you know, we closed this office just when the conflict began, and we worked very little in Russia as a whole. As I have already said, since 2017 we have worked much more with your country [Ukraine]."

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