Sunak said stop the boats – Liverpool and Edinburgh say OK, we will!

1 year ago

Rishi Sunak's stop the boats bill has passed, but that doesn't mean people are going to go along with it willingly...
Right, so the Tories Illegal Migration Bill, the stop the boats bill has passed, into British law at any rate, being in violation of the Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights, there’s nothing legal about it and the legal challenges to any attempts at deportations or shoving people onto cruise ships will be fun to watch the government lose. We’ll just bin the human rights act scream the racists, the bigots and knuckle draggers, but every piece of legislation since the 1950s has the ECHR underpinning it, so good luck undoing all of that, it’ll make all the Brexit legislative red tape problems look like a slightly irksome minor detail. Still, the government is moving on it and this week Falmouth finally saw the departure of the prison barge Bibby Stockholm, now having arrived on the Dorset coast to be protested at there. Y’know my daughter asked me about the name of that ship Bibby Stockholm as she thought it was rather funny, so I looked it up and it’s part of a line of ships named after a 19th century slaver called John Bibby, you literally cannot make this stuff up. Anyway, this isn’t the only boat procured by the Tories to house migrants however, as two cruise ships had also been acquired by the Tories, much bigger than the Bibby Stockholm, as part of the government’s overall plans to get 51,000 migrants out of hotels and onto either these boats, or former military bases, basically shifting them elsewhere. Currently the cost of housing all of these people is some £6m a day, moving them onto prison ships or barb wire surrounded former air bases will apparently save the public purse a colossal, £5000 a day. All this to save 5 grand off a £6m daily bill. So all done for show and news headlines then, not for any practical reason. However, back to the cruise ships. One was headed for Liverpool, the other for Edinburgh, but perhaps the stop the boats messaging, that mantra might have got lost in translation, or was taken too literally somewhat as in both ports, the cruise ships themselves were blocked from docking! One ship was declined permission to dock by the port operator in Liverpool, it’s not completely clear whether this happened in Edinburgh as well, there are some reports it was refused entry there too, but not with the same certainty, but the ships were basically told no thank you, we don’t want you here. Here’s the wonderful thing about massive great cruise ships though.


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Damo Rants Kernow Damo sunak,rishi sunak,rishi sunak live,politics,sunak news,sunak stop the boats,sunak cruise ships,cruise ships liverpool,cruise ships edinburgh,migrant cruise ships,bibby stockholm,cruise ship block,cruise ships block,cruise ship blocked from docking,illegal migration bill,sunak illegal migration bill,sunak stop the boats bill,kernow damo,damo,kernowdamo,damo rants,liverpool stop the boats,edinburgh stop the boats,bibby stockholm protests,eu returns policy

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