Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-19-23: The Puzzling Mindset of Post-Tribbers

1 year ago

I’m not sure what it is about many post-Tribulation Rapture believers, but there is some number of them that are just plain mean. They are so invested in their post-Trib doctrine that true believers in the church today must go through the Tribulation in order to be real believers, that they unpleasantly attack those who don’t agree. If you don’t think post-Trib is a Biblical position and have no desire to experience the horrors of this coming time that will consume the entire earth, then many declare you’re not part of the Bride of Christ, i.e. you’re a false believer who is going to hell. (Note: I’m not saying that all post-Tribbers act like this or say these things, but there are enough of them, and they are often quite vocal.)

Add to this their thinking that everything God was going to do with Israel is already done, and that the church shows up throughout the book of Revelation chapters 6-19. In other words, all promises related to the people and the land of Israel that the OT prophets wrote of, and the Apostle John relates in Revelation concerning God’s Chosen People, aren’t really about them at all.

Because we who believe in the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the church also read the Bible very differently and understand fully that God still has much work to do with the Jewish people, we are told that we’re liars and spawns of Satan.

Hard to imagine that fellow Christians could be so un-Christ-like isn’t it? Today, I’ll prove that to you by discussing a series of comments that were made on my Rumble channel in response to a Prophecy Update I did in February of this year titled: A Controversial Rapture Discussion.

Now, the premise of my Rapture thesis is one that is indeed controversial with many good Christian believers standing on one side or the other of what I discussed. Regardless, the fact that we do have disagreement among us on certain aspects of the Rapture as I discussed hasn’t elicited any hostility. That’s the difference in the issue regarding pre- and post- Trib positions. Numerous times I’ve been attacked by post-Tribbers along the lines that I’ll speak of today. And I know I’m not alone. Many other pre-Trib Bible prophecy teachers have been savaged in the manner that you’ll see shortly.

What is it with these people? I don’t really know, but I’ll tell you that the oil of unity among brothers seen in Psalm 133:2 certainly seems to be missing with them.


A Controversial Rapture Discussion

Zionism – ADL

Zionism – Heyalma

Got Questions – replacement theology

Got Questions – dispensationalism

Kenny Rogers – The Gambler

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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