Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-22-23: A Controversial Rapture Discussion

1 year ago

Here we go again. It seems as though I’ve been either blessed or cursed to examine various Scriptural topics that are off-limits for discussion because they’re controversial and might divide the body of Christ. Heaven forbid! My intention is never to do that. Frankly, the Body is already divided over a number of Biblical subjects, not to mention denominational, so that we’re so fractured in beliefs that Jesus Himself must wonder what He taught. No, my intent is to foster thought. It may be that I’m wrong when I lean toward or come to a conclusion, but if in the thinking and discussion, people take warning and adjust how they view God, then maybe it’s a good thing. The last thing we need to do is come to blows about our different interpretations, yet we seemingly come close to that at times.

When I approach these issues, I don’t take them lightly because of how serious they are. We as Christians invest a lot in various beliefs. The one I’ll discuss at length today is no exception.

So, what is this hot-button topic? Today it’s not to examine the Once Saved, Always Saved “doctrine.” Can we have a rousing cheer? No, although I will give my quick take on it. In today’s Update we’ll look more closely at a cherished understanding regarding the pre-Tribulation Rapture.

Now, I am absolutely committed to a pre-Trib Rapture; I’m fervent about it! I’ve discussed many reasons in numerous Prophecy Updates and weekly Commentaries. However. . . as I’ve thought about this, reviewed Scripture, and read the rationale from a number of admired men of God arguing one position or another, I keep coming back to a disturbing aspect of the doctrine: Jesus commanded us to watch and wait, to be alert for His imminent return. What about those who aren’t obedient to Him in this regard? The elephant-in-the-room question is: Does Salvation equal Rapture?

There it is. You can see why this will be a controversial discussion. If nothing else, what I hope comes of this is that people think. When we make a doctrine of one thing or another in the church, it’s not always clear that all Scripture points to that position. There really are other Bible verses that may lead to a different conclusion. At the least, reflecting on issues like these should bring us to question how dogmatic we should be.

A lot of people believe in a post-Tribulation Rapture, including many esteemed people of God. Some smaller number – myself included – are convinced Scripture clearly says there will be a pre-Trib Rapture. What if, in a sense, both camps are right?


Watchman Nee – website

Watchman Nee – excerpt on Rapture from book The King and The Kingdom

Watchman Nee - biographies

Various references on different Rapture positions:


Robert Govett

Hudson Taylor

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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