Learn About The 10 Most Dangerous Insects In The World

8 years ago

We all have our fears. Most of us are afraid of bugs, while others get scared by snakes or sharks. Imagine noticing the grossest, hairiest, most nightmarish-looking centipede you have ever seen inches away from your lunch box. How would you react?

Would you scream like a banshee and call someone in hysterics or would you finally get yourself together and gather enough bravery to squash the beastly bug with the first thing that gets to your hands?

If you hate bugs this much, here is a good reason not to kill them. Yes, you read it right. According to entomologists, different bugs have different roles in the circle of life. Some of them transmit very deadly diseases, so killing them on your own might not seem like a smart idea. If you happen to be fascinated by insects, here are 10 extremely dangerous insects.

The Bullet Ant’s sting is so painful it feels like being shot. Many people believe that this tiny insect possesses the most painful sting known to man.

A Botfly larva can burrow into the skin of their host and remain inside for weeks. You can feel them moving while they are inside their raised pustules.

Fleas are one of the most common parasites that get caught on your skin. While sucking the blood out of the animal, they can spread numerous deadly diseases.

The Kissing Bugs usually bite their victims during the night in the area around their lips or eyes. These deadly creatures spread the Chagas disease which is the reason for the deaths of over 12,000 people every year.

The bite of a Giant Japanese Hornet can cause intense pain, while its venom can dissolve human tissue. Imagine turning into human pudding!

We all have heard about Fire Ants. They are an aggressive species, whose sting causes red welts and pustules. In some rare cases, the sting of a Fire Ant can actually kill you.

Tse Tse Flies are large flies that suck your blood. This way they can spread sleeping sickness, which kills people in Africa on a regular basis.

You wonder which insects are on the top of this list? We invite you to keep watching the video, but brace yourself because it’s the one we all hate.

Music = The Verdict by Terry Devine-King, Tom Peters and Gavin Harrison

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