The Real Impact of Washington's Assault Weapon Ban

1 year ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, sits down with Bruce David, CEO of Guardian Arms in Moses Lake to discuss the tremendous and brutal financial impact that Washington's assault weapon ban has had on his business and all small independent FFLs statewide. Bottom line, is the inability to sell semi-automatic rifles and receivers is crushing to the industry. Today we dive deep into the FFL business so you can better understand how Washington's assault weapon ban can literally drive all independent FFLs out of the business. Learn what all of this means to you and arm yourself with education today.

Show Guardian Arms Some Love.
A veteran owned business needs your help. Stop on by, say hi and tell them that Bill sent you. You can find Guardian Arms at:

208 S Division St,
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 431-1363

Give, Send, Go. Listen, GA needs your help. If you want to just show them some love and help them out, visit their Give, Send, Go account at:
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