The Future of AI in Trading and Finance

11 months ago

This interview discusses the future of artificial intelligence in trading, finance and investment management. Dr. Tal Schwartz, an entrepreneur and AI funds innovator, shares his insights on:

• How AI is currently used for algorithmic trading, robo-advising, risk management and other applications

• The transformative potential of AI in the coming years through more sophisticated algorithms, machine learning and big data analysis

• Whether AI will live up to the hype or face limitations in replicating true human intelligence

• The ethical implications of AI in finance, including issues of transparency, accountability and fairness

• What a future financial system heavily integrated with AI may look like

The discussion provides thought-provoking perspectives on both the opportunities and challenges of AI in trading and finance. The interview aims to give listeners a glimpse into how rapidly advancing AI technologies may reshape these industries in the coming decade.

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