Abortion isn’t self-defense

11 months ago

Abortion isn’t self-defense. The whole ridiculous notion of abortion as “self-defense” doesn’t track with the pro-abortion insistence that a human fetus is “a clump of cells” or “not sentient.” If he’s merely a clump of cells or truly not sentient, he can’t be held culpable for his actions—indeed, he doesn’t even have any actions.
Cancer is likewise “a clump of cells”—yet you don’t have the “right” to demand it be removed from your body. And it should go without saying, but your own offspring isn’t a cancer.
Pregnancy is unlike any other situation in the world, and should be treated as such. It’s disingenuous to compare it to assault, a squatter, or someone otherwise using your body or “your property” without consent. If you’re going to make that comparison, at least be consistent; at least then call for investigation, court proceedings, and possible prosecution—which is what happens every day to determine the legality of the use of deadly force against alleged assailants and squatters. A human fetus is a whole, individuated, genetically-distinct innocent human life. 99% of the time in unwanted pregnancies, he’s here because of the mother’s (and father’s) willing action. That ought be taken into consideration, as we’re now dealing with TWO distinct lives occupying one shared space.
Sex leads to pregnancy. Birth control is never 100% effective. That ought be taken into consideration by every responsible adult (who actually cares about not creating unnecessary harm) prior to engaging in sex, prior to opening yourself up to the possibility of reproducing life (which occurs at fertilization) only to needlessly destroy that life. When you do that, you’re creating unnecessary harm—all to satisfy your own sexual narcissism.

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