depression ain't supposed to subside since i still live in this world

10 months ago

is piano punk authentic? probably not.
CLASSIC ag moment right there
such a terrible chord to introduce this
if it's bad that's okay
when i'm dead i can't say things i can say when i'm alive
that is exactly why i do what i do
stop feeling sorry for yourself
psychological problems ain't shit
i'd much rather cry and not take pills until i die
life ain't gonna stop being hard
i'm not denying the difficulty, i'm accepting it
everyone thinks in the short-term welcome to america
i hate everybody.
this channel does not exist. this is so orwellian hahaha
it feels real good to be a threat
don't let the al gore rhythm get chu down, amy!
succeeding in the eyes of the world...failing in the eyes of God
helping the shit system n the powers at be
keep braggin about yer stats all the way to hell
the wisest people i know try to avoid the internet
really sick people flourish on the internet
if they can control what's in yer hand they can control whatever goes into yer head
our power: to do things or not to do things
if they in any way trust the news people they have already set themselves up for unlimited failure

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