Live Chat with Paul; -143- Science Catch Up and Question Everything Big Bang Plasma SpaceTime PART1

11 months ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Various Articles on Science Plasma Universe Big Bang and more
[00:02:00] (1c) Paul talks about himself and humans need to work together to figure
out life and the universe and how we can survive the growing population and reducing
[00:08:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Are Aliens Caretakers of the Universe?
[00:11:00] (2b) HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy
[00:18:20] (3) What is the Universe according to Scientists. Paul points out problems
with their models
[00:20:00] (3b) Black hole at center of the milky way .. Why? and what is is?
[00:24:20] (3c) Paul uses ChatGPT on Bing MS EDGE about how they know
we are on spiral arm and will we be sucked into the black hole
[00:35:00] (4) What is the max population Earth can support and how many years
to reach that limit!.. is it 27 years from now?
[00:37:00] (5) Back to Galaxies and Universe Shape
[00:56:00] (6) How far away is an Earth Like Planet and could Humans reach it
and how?
[01:07:00] (7) Center of the Universe and Universe Edge
[01:16:00] (8) Now Intro done - Paul Works through the TABBED topics
- First BBC on Lyrebirds songs mimicking as GUFON has mentioned it
but Paul was suspect of the claims, are the deceiving us with Natural science?
[01:28:40] (9) 20 Space Myths - Busted?
[01:34:10] (9b) Paul checks on sun spots for July and its the highest in 20 years
and does that affect climate?
[01:40:00] (9c) Multiverses - and AI creativity
[01:42:00] (9d) resume 20 Myths
[01:50:00] (9e) Ask Ai about how they think Sun fusion works and why dont it
use up all the hydrogen in it and burn out
[02:14:00] (10) What Star System could aliens be from? Pleiades? Sirus B ? Proxima?
[02:33:00] (11) Waxing Moon (wax on wax off LOL)
[02:51:00] (12) Space is not a vacuum
[02:59:00] (13) would Humans ejected in space explode? or break
into bits from freezing?
[03:00:10] (14) Paul asks AI Chat about this only to get BANNED? too funny!
[03:04:00] (15) A Better! Atomic Clock might solve Dark Matter detection?
[03:18:00] (16) Higgs Boson Decay? what is it exactly in layterms can AI explain
it well enough? (MASS is claimed but not part of the atom AI says WTH)
[03:25:00] (17) Passing through walls and maybe how aliens can do it in their beams?
[03:43:00] (18) Paul leaves rest of the other science topics to a PART2
but skims each tab to see whats coming next.
[03:46:42] (19) Lastly, Paul covers a UFO sighting in China from Gabber about
a cylinder drifting through the skies.. Plays the videos and gives his quick

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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