Preston Nichols – Quantum Well – Montauk Man Accessed Parallel Realities – Meets God and Future Self

8 months ago

Preston Nichols – the Montauk man who meets himself in the Future and meets God.

This was an interview from 2014.

Jesus Christ was the highest evolved being closest to God.

There was a great war about 5 million years ago in our Galaxy. We had the sagittarius galaxy and the milky way galaxy and they were invading. The two advanced intelligences decided to call it truths and they made this Super Computer. They began with Trillions of Simulations and now we are down to between 5 and 7.

We are supposed to have 24 gene pairs.

When we get that genetic repair, this will be what the Theologians call the Kingdom of God.

Preston says that the Stargate in the Series “Stargate” is real, he has seen it. He saw it in Boston at Lincoln Labs – an MIT laboratory. That big stargate ring was up in Lincoln Labs on the Air Force Base by MIT. He saw this when he was working with DARPA.

When they first turned it on, this guy comes through with two Master CD’s. The first 24 tracks on the CD and they used this for the music in the Movie Stargate. Each track represented a human genome.

Tracks 25 to 30 represented different types of races of man.

Preston says that his future self just walks into his life spontaneously and he cut himself and both his blood and his fingerprints matched himself perfectly. He doesn’t look older, but he thinks it is about 30 years in the future where time travel is available and so is age regression.

This stargate CD that was found had pie or 3.14 on it. Preston said this met on revolution and since there were 24 tracks that it equaled 66 2/3 – so in 2002 he was in Iceland at his home listening to it. He figured out the tones on this music was perfect. Next thing he knows there are two guys standing in his living room in front of him with some strange suits on them.

Preston said: “Who are you?’

We represent a group you know as the “Wingmakers.”

*Note: You can download a very interesting free pdf book here about this subject --

They told him how to fix his amplifier and speakers and they handed him this briefcase filled with CD roms and papers.
They said “this is the next step on your planet here, digital sound.”

He takes this over to one of his friends to take a look at it and they find out it is some kind of a sound processor.

Preston sold this technology to AMD so they could change their chipsets in digital players.

Preston received a letter that said his patent had been seized by the military. So they couldn’t sell it.

Preston begin working with the WingMakers that were from the year 2755. Their claim is that they made that recording and sent it through the Stargate through space and time to the present time with the intent to Elevate the Genetics of Mankind to where we become altruistic (not so f*cking greedy) and less focused on WAR.

Preston says he can’t talk much about the Stargate, but he says if you want to know about, just watch the TV series or the Movie. It’s pretty much how it really is.

Preston was told that they found this Stargate huge Ring in Egypt by the Pyramids and they didn’t know what it was for a long time. Preston says there are many more around the world.

*I have heard that the real reason for the Iraq war was to get to a Stargate that they had.

Preston said that he is researching Age Regression.

Preston tells the woman who is interviewing him, that it is time to take a little trip. He says there are 4 speaker boxes around us which are connected to Vacuum Tube Amplifiers of his special design. He calls this the Quantum Well Design.

The idea is that the photons and electrons go between the 7 realms of reality. We have 7 Parallel realities. We are in one of them, the physical reality.

Preston studied the electrons between the Conductive State which is the Particle and the Vacuum State which is a Wave.
You can look at like the Particle is a little ball and it gets launched into the Vacuum where it UNROLLS itself and becomes like a Sheet. So it is like a mass-less, thin sheet traveling through the vacuum.

The Wave aspect of the Electron is very special. When you get an electron wave, it literally floats in hyperspace. If you can take the space that the wave is floating in and twist it, rotate it, create a vortex. This Vortex will go through ALL Parallel Realities.

Preston says he has discovered to send this wave through a tube to form a vortex or a Quantum Singularity – a white hole or whatever you want to call it, but it connects the signal to all 7 parallel realities.

Preston says that Vacuum Tubes produce Life Energies. He says this is why the sound always sounds better using them. The LIFE energies are the electrons and photons going through all 7 parallel realities – he says, that is what life energy really is. The Vacuum Tubes act as an amplifier.

How this system works is that some world the information flows from the speaker to the listener. In other Parallel Worlds it flows from the Listener back to the Speaker.

It goes into the Amplifier, into the Quantum Well and it gets all rolled together (Quantum Entangled) and spreads through all 7 parallel realities.

Your mind operates in at least 7 parallel realities. That is the nature of mankind. The Soul, the Spirit of us is the image of ourselves in other Parallels.

Now we have a function to where we can spin music into all 7 different parallels. Simultaneously it crosses the music with your function and produces another function which you will be Perfectly Resonate with.

From this deep meditation you can spread out to the other 7 parallel realities consciously.

Preston’s satellite speaker systems are connected to vacuums and they go roughly high base to treble. The he has 3 black boxes that have 18 inch Sub-Woofers in them which connect to a 2,000 watt amplifier. Then he has 2 – 15 inch Sub-Woofers that are wrapped up in foam, cloth and pillows beause there is a board running on top between the two of them which connects to a 4x4 connected to the bed and it shakes the bed.

So, there are 7 different worlds we are in right now and we are doing very similar things right now at this very same moment in time.

This interview was in 2014.

What about our Future? We are on the Razors Edge. We can go one way or the other. We can choose Love or War.

From my understanding – humanity is going to the Light, BUT it won’t happen overnight. The Dark are being exposed and they would rather kill humanity than to lose. So from my perspective we will be entering a Storm – a battle between Light and Dark, Good and Evil which will last multiple decades and we will go through a lot of changes.

The battle is not just of physical realms.


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