Do YOU know what they are spraying us with?

1 year ago

I don’t know how many times I will have to repeat this, but ‘Chemtrails’ are no longer a conspiracy theory. They are conspiracy fact.
There are literally hundreds of weather modification patents and documents, whistleblower testimonies and even flat out admittance from members of the establishment such as former Director of the CIA, and current Council on Foreign Relations member, John Brennan has stated openly on record that they are spraying our skies.
In the case of the video presented here, we have none other than Dr. William ‘Bill’ Deagle, a truly heroic and courageous whistleblower who just so happened to be the doctor treating pilots on military bases who admitted to being exposed to ‘Geoengineering’ aerosols.
Please listen closely to what he has to say. A good deal of it relates to things that are currently transpiring around us.
I would HIGHLY beg you to consider researching the following:
- The Internet of LIVING Things
- 5/G Mind Control Technology
- DARPA Neuralink
- ‘Smart’ Dust
- ‘Smart’ City Control Grid
- Voice to Skull Technology
- Mind Control Patents
Once again these things are not science fiction. Please do your research and you will see that this information isn’t even hidden.. They are openly discussing these agendas at the likes of the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group meeting and Davos Group meeting.

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