Sriracha Bloody Mary For The New Years Hangover

8 years ago

Did you imbibe a little heavily these holidays? Then it’s time for HAIR OF THE DOG! You’d better make our Sriracha bloody mary recipe ASAP! Tomato Juice Vodka Sriracha 3 Dashes Worcestershire Sauce 1/2 Spoon Horse Radish Pepper Celery Salt 2 Lime Slices Squeezed Celery Stalk Cover the bottom of a highball glass with Sriracha Add in 3 dashes of Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 spoon horse radish, grind in some pepper, a few dashes of celery salt, and squeeze in 2 lime slices. Fill halfway with tomato juice, add vodka to taste, fill with ice, stir with a celery stalk, and enjoy!

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