Flat or Round Earth? One Hundred Proofs the Earth is not a Globe. Or, is it?

11 months ago

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The debate on a round or flat earth is as old as time. Ancient flat earth believers such as Thales, Anaximenes, and Xenophanes. To the round or sphere earth believers Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle, this argument still continues today.

I came across this argument that made it into a pamphlet in 1885 by William Carpenter. Perhaps if he lived today he might have felt differently with the modern technologies available to prove or disprove his beliefs.

Most of these truths by William Carpenter, have been proven otherwise, but I find it a GREAT reminder of this truth.

Everything you think is brand new, and that maybe older generations are not as advanced. It's false. Our ancestors had the same thoughts, wonderment of the universe and were highly advanced for their period of time. We are all the same, it's just the arrow on the timeline that has changed. But the same thoughts, wonders and desire to share what they believe still remain no matter where your arrow lands on the timeline of history.

Why can't we have different opinions or thoughts? Personally I enjoy a good healthy debate, even if I don't agree at all. The beliefs of others should not shake yours, and it is OK to be different. Someone believing in a flat earth or it being a sphere is not something worth fighting or disowning one another over.

1 The aeronaut sees for himself
2 Standing water level
3 Surveyors' "allowance"
4 Flow of Rivers--the Nile
5 Lighthouses--Cape Hatteras
6 The sea-shore.--"Coming up"
7 A trip down Chesapeake Bay
8 The model globe is useless
9 The sailor's level charts
10 The mariners' compass
11 The southern circumference
12 Circumnavigation of the Earth
13 Meridians are straight lines
14 Parallels of latitude--circles
15 Sailing down and underneath
16 Distance round the South
17 Levelness required by man
18 The "level" of the astronomers
19 Half the globe is cut off, now!
20 No "up" or "down" in nature?
21 The "spherical lodestone"
22 No falsehoods wanted!
23 No proof of "rotundity"
24 A "most complete" failure
25 The first Atlantic Cable
26 Earth's "curvature"
27 Which end goes down?
28 A "hill of water"
29 Characteristics of a globe
30 Horizon--level with the eye
31 Much too small a globe
32 Vanishing point of objects
33 We are not "fastened on"
34 Our "antipodes."--a delusion
35 Horizon a level line
36 Chesapeake Bay by night
37 Six months day and night
38 The "Midnight Sun"
39 Sun moves round the Earth
40 Suez Canal--100 miles--level
41 The "true level."--a curve
42 Projectiles--firing east or west
43 Bodies thrown upwards
44 Firing in opposite direction
45 Astronomer Royal of England
46 An utterly meaningless theory
47 Professor Proctor's cylinder
48 Proctor's false perspective
49 Motion of the clouds
50 Scriptural proof--a plane
51 The "Standing Order"
52 More ice in the south
53 Sun's accelerated pace, south
54 Balloons not left behind
55 The Moon's beams are cold
56 The Sun and Moon
57 Not Earth's shadow at all
58 Rotating and revolving
59 Proctor's big mistake
60 Sun's distance from Earth
61 No true "measuring-rod"
62 Sailing "round" a thing
63 Telescopes--"hill of water"
64 The laws of optics--Glaisher
65 "Dwelling" upon error
66 Ptolemy's predictions
67 Canal in China--700 miles
68 Mr. Lockyer's false logic
69 Beggarly alternatives
70 Mr. Lockyer's suppositions
71 North Star seen from S. lat
72 "Walls not parallel!"
73 Pendulum experiments
74 "Delightful uncertainty"
75 Outrageous calculations
76 J. R. Young's Navigation
77 "Tumbling over"
78 Circumnavigation--south
79 A disc--not a sphere
80 Earth's "motion" unproven
81 Moon's motion east to west
82 All on the wrong track
83 No meridianal "degrees"
84 Depression of North Star
85 Rivers flowing up-hill?
86 100 miles in five seconds
87 Miserable makeshifts
88 What holds the people on
89 Luminous objects
90 Practice against theory
91 Unscientific classification
92 G. B. Airy's "suppositions"
93 Astronomers give up theory
94 School-room "proofs" false
95 Pictorial proof--Earth a plane
96 Laws of perspective ignored
97 "Rational suppositions"
98 It is the star that moves
99 Hair-splitting calculation
100 How "time" is lost or gained
Final Thoughts

I have put a very soft background music created at 432Hz. According a study done in 2020 it shows that people who listen at this frequency have reduced heart rates and are overall more calm. Learn more here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31031095/#:~:text=Results%3A%20432%20Hz%20tuned%20music,)%2C%20compared%20to%20440%20Hz.

Music By: Unicorn Heads "Dreaming in 432Hz"

Photo By: ANIRUDH on Unsplash

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