Our Planet Earth is a sphere, a 3 dimensional globe. please stop this flat earth nonsense

1 year ago

Blog for this Video with associated links


Like all educated people on planet earth. I'm tired of hearing all this flat earth or we are dirt on water nonsense.

I've even heard Christians say the Bible proves the flat earth. No, it does not. I will show below.

Here are 3 absolute proofs with actual visual demonstrations that the earth is a globe.

1. I am a retired naval officer qualified submarine. I have studied by formal naval training and used both basic navigation piloting, open ocean navigation and celestial navigation. I am also a licensed pilot and have completed aeronautical navigation training using aeronautical charts. I have traveled throughout the world and nearly half of our earth underwater. If the earth were flat we would only need a straight line to go from one point of a fixed longitude and latitude to another fixed longitude on the same latitude from the coast of North America to Europe for example. But we don't. We have a semicircular otherwise known as the great circle route. If I were to plot a straight line from Norfolk Virginia to Spain and followed this plotted course, I would never arrive to my planned destination.

See notes here:

navigation - Marine charts | Britannica

great circle route, the shortest course between two points on the surface of a sphere. It lies in a plane that intersects the sphere’s centre and was known by mathematicians before the time of Columbus. Until the 19th century ships generally sailed along rhumb lines, which made use of prevailing winds and fixed compass headings.

Great circle routes are usually plotted on charts based on the gnomonic projection, on which great circles appear as straight lines.

Outstanding Link explaining with visual 3-Dimensional images


A gnomonic map projection is a map projection which displays all great circles as straight lines, resulting in any straight line segment on a gnomonic map showing a geodesic, the shortest route between the segment's two endpoints. This is achieved by casting surface points of the sphere onto a tangent plane, each landing where a ray from the center of the sphere passes through the point on the surface and then on to the plane. No distortion occurs at the tangent point, but distortion increases rapidly away from it. Less than half of the sphere can be projected onto a finite map.[1] Consequently, a rectilinear photographic lens, which is based on the gnomonic principle, cannot image more than 180 degrees.


2. Here are actual visual demonstrations of plotting a great circle route that proves the earth is a 3 dimensional sphere and not a 2 dimensional plane and Flat Earth vs Globe calculations. I've even included a visual demonstration of why NASA images of our earth do not show stars



Flat Earther's hate determining Longitude


Here's a great study on how to use CELESTIAL NAVIGATION. Flat Earthers hate this class. We've had a 100 % failure rate of flat earthers in this class. Disclaimer: This teacher is Not a paid Government agent.




Determine Latitude with celestial bodies


Use this study to understand Northern HemiSPHERE and Southern HemiSPHERE.


Look for yourself from a drop by Felix Baumgartner from space


U2 Pilot at 70,000 Feet with Gary Sinise. Watch especially time stamp 37: Pilot says, "You see the earth is INDEED ROUND."

U2 Spy Plane | The Dragon Lady | Cockpit View At 70,000 Feet | Gary Sinise U2 Record - YouTube

Sent GO PRO Camera 90,000 feet into space.


Using a laser gyroscope to prove earth is not flat


Flat Earth Debunk and unanswered challenge Link

Take your own flight

Proving Global Earth winning $100,000 challenge


Proof of Earth's Rotation


Fraud pilot tries to mislead and prove flat earth debunked


Flat earth visual demonstrations


Here are the stars

Here's an outstanding video that humiliates flat earth insanity.


Flat earther gets humiliated.

3. The Bible clearly teaches God created heavenly bodies.

1 Corinthians 15:40. Read it carefully in context of the 1 Corinthians 15:35-41.

A body is a body 3-Dimensional physical object whether it be a human or a planet. All living animate creatures and celestial bodies are 3 dimensional and created by Jesus Christ The Person - Body - Image - Person of the Invisible God (Colossians 1:15, 2:9). The KEWORD: Creation (Colossians 1:16). Creation. A 3 dimensional object, not a 2 dimensional plane. We can visually observe the moon is a 3 dimensional object as proof.

SCRIPTURE OF BODIES: Heavenly Bodies is scripture: also known as host of heaven to refer to planets, stars, the sun and moon and angels or beings. CREATED BEINGS and not Spirit as God the Father is A Spirit that no man hath seen.

Study: Deuteronomy 4:19, Psalms 33:6, Isaiah 34:4, Acts 7:42, 1 Corinthians 15:40

Oxford English Dictionary Compact Edition page 241: 19: A material thing physical existence and extension in space. EXTENSION = Expansion. Masses of matter that exist as heavenly bodies in context. Geometry describing a Body: 3 Dimensional SPHERE - GLOBE vs a circle). Heavenly Bodies - Sun, moon planets. 1393 Gower - conf II 84 Bodies - spoken of are planets.

DEFINITION OF BODY 3 dimensions is sphere a celestial body

1 Corinthians 15:40-44 King James Version (KJV)

40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

The best bible based proof the earth is a sphere



More commentary debunking confused, low educated, low informed foolish Christians who are bringing condemnation upon the name of Jesus.

Debunking more Flat Earth nonsense (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

Why are we seeing an increase in the absurdity of flat earth conspiracy theory?


Note on Firmament in Genesis 1:14,17.

In creation the firmament is simply the existence of the universe from the Apex to the base. A solid Expanse of Heaven of which the Planetary bodies reside. See the study on the sides of the NORTH - Psalm 48:2, Is 14:13, the ultimate shape of the Universe Pyramid and why Satan hijacked it and why the fallen angels to the Nephilim wanted to copy it all over the earth. See my comments below for further study. If you think the Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza perfectly aligned with Orion you need to really look deeper into this.

Firmament Oxford English Dictionary page 1007: HEAVEN. The Abode of God. A Solid Expanse. Something fixed in place. A firm support or foundation. Something that strengthens or supports. In Old Astronomy the Sphere containing the FIXED STARS. This simply means THE FIXED AND ESTABLISHED SOLID EXPANSE OF THE UNIVERSE. Jesus Christ the creator of all creation fills the universe. Read Ephesians 1:23. Nothing is out of his sight. Jeremiah 23:24. It is established as the 3rd heaven at the north apex, the 2nd Heaven below and the 3rd heaven is this physical location of the planetary bodies and in our case planet earth.

Flat Earthers have latched onto the definition also found in the Oxford Dictionary that is the "Arch or "Vault" of heaven overhead in which the clouds and stars appear in the sky or heaven. What they fail to mention is this is considered "modern use" "used only in rhetorical or poetry." Which means there's no astronomical proof or extended definition that support this.

Addendum June 2022:

Note: See additional scriptures below the images that FLATEARTHERS use which I debunk

Why don’t the Flat earthers ever show us the edge of the world?

How does the US Navy conduct CIRCUMNAVIGATION DEPLOYMENTS that are documented by Ship’s History and the Commanding Officer’s official Log that show EAST routes or WEST routes back to their original destination?

These deployments literally go AROUND THE GLOBE and are documented by navigational course headings that would be impossible for anything other than a globe to reconstruct. I have a few images you can google for yourself and ask for the FOIA and see the course headings.

For example I took the first submerged global transit of the USS TRITON which was on a WEST ROUTE and the USS Carl Vinson’s world cruise of 1983 which took a EAST ROUTE.

For those who do not understand navigation a flat earther might think circumnavigate means sailing around in a circle on a two dimensional plane. This would be impossible if you match the course headings of a circle on a 2 dimensional plane as compared to the “ACTUAL” course headings required for a global circumnavigation.

the word navigate literally means Navigation is derived from the Latin navis (“ship”) and agere (“to drive”). Circum means CIRCUM: PREFIX: circum-, a prefix with the meaning "round about, around,'' found in Latin loanwords, esp. derivatives of verbs that had the general senses "to encompass or surround'' (circumference; circumjacent; circumstance) or "to go around'' by the means or in the manner specified by the verb (circumnavigate;




sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world):
"he undertook to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or less"

go around · walk around · travel around · orbit · revolve around · circumambulate

Additional links: Sailing Circumnavigation and Aerial Circumnavigation route

3 well documented circumnavigation routes of Captain Cook



Circumnavigation of Magellan

7 Best-Known Routes for Sailing Around the World (with Maps) - Improve Sailing

An Overview of the First Aerial Circumnavigation – Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute (bootcampmilitaryfitnessinstitute.com)

Additional NOTES:

The FLAT EARTHERS love Isaiah 40:22 because of course they take it literally and use modern Bible translations instead of the King James Bible which reads: "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in."

The King James Bible proves you are correct in that it is an allegory in that God does not literally sit on earth, but rather is sitting down on His throne at the apex of the pyramid of the Universe. See why North is so important to God's perspective in SIDES OF THE NORTH any why this is a Pyramid shape Psalm 48:2 and Isaiah 14:13 looking straight down from the northern perspective to south over the north pole of the earth you'd see all planetary bodies* in 2 dimensional circle. * Bodies are 3 dimensional 1 Corinthians 15:40.

But back to Isaiah 40:22. I even took a beach ball and placed it between my feet and looked straight down and I could clearly see a 2 dimensional circle when looking "directly overhead" down through the north pole axis of the ball. However, when focusing on the word "circle" we see in context Isaiah 40:22 is referring to the ORBIT of the earth around the Sun which when looking "from overhead downward" is a circle called an "ellipse." We prove this by looking closely at the Grammar here: CIRCLE OF the EARTH. We see Circle is used as a concrete noun here followed by the preposition OF with the earth. This means that The Earth is NOT a circle but rather the earth is part of, a constituent, component of THE CIRCLE; i.e., ORBIT, - is in that circle - circular orbit of this ellipse.

Or recently I heard 80 scriptures, they either use a modern perverted bible translation and or squeeze their own interpretation and not allow scripture to interpret scripture. The other glaring error is they do not understand grammar or basic logic such as relative motion. For example their claim that God stopped the Sun literally means the relative motion of the sun's transit across the earth as noted on a Sundial (the first method of marking time) is stopped. Joshua 10:13 - The Sun Stood Still = Relative Motion to Earth. The relative motion of the earth's rotation is held. Modern science says slowing the rotation of the earth would cause cataclysmic events such as tsunamis and the loss of the magnetic field. However, God would have of course controlled these forces for the duration of the event described in Joshua 10:13.

Eze 7:2 KJV Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD unto the land of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land.

Corner in context extremity H3671 of the 4 Cardinal headings NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST


Original: כּנף

Transliteration: kânâph

Phonetic: kaw-nawf'

All parts of the world; the farthest reaches.I have traveled to the four corners of the earth to retrieve the medallion, and I'm not going to stop now.

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