Adam Raised a Cain by Bruce Springsteen ~ Born into this Evil World 'Paying' for the Sins of Others

11 months ago

Still think that Bruce Springsteen didn't write Endless, Brilliant Songs decoding the Allegories and Parables of the Bible??? Here is one of his most obvious and best...Adam RAISED a Cain, (from his 1978 album, Darkness on the Edge of Town, one of the Best Albums ever created) means that ALL Children are Born into this World thru both Father Heaven and Mother Earth from the Womb of an Earthly Wombman, are Born in Divinity and Grace, and are NOT Evil, regardless of what may have occurred in past Lives...Karma CANNOT be 'Carried Forward' past the experience of Death, as there would NEVER be a possibility for any of us Fallen Souls to ever RAISE ourselves once more...we would simply become SLAVES to the Great Wheel of the Samsara, forevermore...and this is NOT God's Purpose for us...

We were Created to Fall from Grace in the Western Garden of Eden, at the footsteps of Duality, the Tree of Knowledge between Good and Evil, so that we could FIND once more, within ourselves, that which is Purest and Best, which is our Feminine Half, the Kundalini, that which comes to us from Mother Earth, the Sacred Feminine...and thru this Magical, Magnetic Energy, we RISE in Her Arms to God in Heaven, Activating our Pineal Gland, and Illuminating the Third Ventricle of our Brain, becoming the Light of the World...

But the Canaanites do not want this for us, as it would mean their demise; thus, they LIE to us about Everything, and build for us an ILLUSION that we call 'The World', which looks like living upon the Earth, and yet, it is NOT...Mother Earth is Abundant, She is Free, She is Non-Judgmental, She is Loving, Caring and Compassionate, and She is KIND...and all these things our World is NOT, proving that it is nothing more than a Shadowy Illusion created by the Cockroaches of this World, who hide in Dark Corners, forever denying God, tormenting the Feminine, and attempting to Destroy Her Eternal Works of Wonder and Grace...

Adam RAISED a Cain means that WE, the Hands of Men, CREATE Fallen Children into existence by denying them Father Heaven and Mother Earth, ourselves, and by OBEYING the False Narrative of the 'Out There' World, where we put FEAR first and Love last, thus, obfuscating the Wonders of Love from our that Love becomes SEX, and that Stewardship becomes OWNERSHIP, that which is Abundant and Free becomes SCARCE and COSTLY, and where Kindness disappears for THE SELF, or what is truly known as THE EGO...

And it is from HERE, in this Dark Room of Despair and Godlessness, that we choose to Marry and to have Children so that we can have Families...Dark Families that always Fight, Complain, Divide and Conquer, instead of Light Families that SURRENDER All to God, and TRUST that All shall be provided for them, just as HE does for the Fowl of the Air...

Bruce Springsteen KNOWS the Bible, and thus, the Truth of this World, and therefore, that we Must choose to do GOOD, so that we can become Truly Free, and SOVEREIGN of their Evil Ways, by simply Trusting in both Father Heaven and Mother Earth, and NOT the Hands of Man...because when we do follow the Canaanite Ways, then we Create the Reality where Adam, through his own Foibles and False Beliefs, turns his own Son, Cain, into the Murderer and Monster that he became, and that which plagues this Earth to this VERY DAY...

Genetics plays hardly any role in the Development and Health of our Lives, it is EPI-Genetics that defines us, and that is the ENVIRONMENT that we are Born into, and forced to learn from...thus, until Adam remembers to TRUST ALWAYS IN GOD, once more, then Adam will indeed to continue to 'Raise a Cain'...

With Deep Love,


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